A deep-cycle battery is a battery that is designed to be able to store a large quantity of energy while having the ability to discharge from 100% down to 0% without hurting the battery. A deep-cycle battery also ensures that a steady amount of power is being delivered to applications over a long period of time without interruption or failure. It is constructed with thicker plates and a denser active material ratio. Due to these features, a deep-cycle battery achieves greater cycling capacities.
What is DOD (Depth of Discharge)?
The Depth of Discharge (DOD) of a battery represents the percentage of the battery that has been discharged relative to the overall capacity of the battery. For example, if a battery has a nominal capacity of 100kWh and discharges 30kW, the Depth of Discharge comes out to be 30%.
Its DOD is (30x 1) / 100 = 30%.
The more often a battery is charged and discharged, the shorter the battery life will become. It is generally not recommended to completely discharge a battery as it will greatly reduce the battery life. Many battery manufacturers specify the recommended maximum DOD in order to maximize the battery performance.
If a manufacturer of a 10 kWh battery recommends a maximum DOD of 80%, the battery should not use more than 8 kWh without charging. The DOD is an important factor to consider because a higher DOD means that more of the energy in a battery can be used. The DOD of many modern lithium-ion batteries is 100%.
A battery’s “cycle life,” the number of charge/discharge cycles in its life, depends on how much battery capacity is typically use. Rather than completely draining a battery to its maximum DOD, a user will be able to attain more cycles in their battery regularly discharging it with a lower percentage of charge.
For example, a battery may have 15,000 cycles at a DoD of 10%, but only have 3,000 cycles at a DoD of 80%.
What applications need deep-cycle batteries?
Floor Machines
Electric vehicles
Materials handling
Renewable energy
Aerial work platforms
Commercial transit
RV and Marine
HME Mobility Telecom UPS
Security Electronics
All of these applications require high energy retention, deep-cycle discharge, a large number of cycle lives, and a stable discharge performance.
Why choose LiFePO4 deep cycle batteries?
Another way to think of the DOD is the extent to which discharge begins to stop during use. 100% DOD refers to discharge at full capacity. The life of a lead-acid battery is greatly affected by the DOD. A lead-acid battery is likely to fail quickly on a user as it normally only allows 50 to 80% DOD.
In contrast, A LiFePO4 (Lithium Iron Phosphate) battery, which is newer technology, has a deep-cycle discharge, so it can reach 2000 cycles with 100% DOD. Lithium batteries can also be discharged at a specific C-rating. With a working temperature of 25° C and a discharge rate of 0.5C, a LiFePO4 battery can reach 4000 to 6000 cycles.
Compared to lead-acid batteries, the advantages of deep-cycle lifepo4 batteries are the following:
Good high-temperature resistance
Good safety characteristics
No memory effect
Higher-capacity compare with same size lead-acid battery
Longer cycle life than other lithium-ion batteries
Ideal drop-in replacement for lead-acid batteries
Lower total cost of average use
https://himaxelectronics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Deep-Cycle-LiFePO4-Battery.jpg567800administrator/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Himax-home-page-design-logo-z.pngadministrator2020-07-07 05:56:172024-04-28 15:41:42What’s Deep Cycle LiFePO4 Battery
Most smartphones on the market use LiPo (Lithium-ion Polymer) batteries. They are 3.8V per cell (4.35V when fully charged) and generally about 3 Ampere hour (Ah), or 3000 milliampere hour (mAh), in capacity. The charging voltage must be higher than the battery voltage. Because the battery is polarized when the battery is charged, the voltage must reach or exceed the sum of the battery voltage and the polarizing voltage in order to effectively inject current. Therefore, the standard output voltage of portable power banks on the market is 5V / 2.1A.
Here to mention, the fast charging technology we see is the next level of 3 Amps charging technology.
In this situation, the watts of phone batteries needed is around 18.5W (3.7 Volts times 5 Amps Hour capacity), and the portable power bank is around 37W, the battery has higher wattage than the device and it is sufficient to power the phone. What if it is lower than the device needed?
Battery (Watts) < Device (Watts)
Light bulbs are marked as 10W, 20W, 30W, etc. Suppose we use a 10W battery to power a 40W bulb, the result would be a lightbulb that is less bright and feels dim. If the power differs too much, the bulb may not even light up.
The secondary issue with this is that, the battery now needs to displace more power to meet the demand of the bulb, thus lowering overall battery capacity.
Battery (Watts) > Device (Watts)
A lightbulb has a sticker that clearly specifies the maximum wattage acceptable, if the power of battery is higher, it could cause a hazardous situation. There are two watts on a light bulb, equivalent watts and actual watts. For example, an LED light bulb may produce 95W equivalent lighting, but only requires 25W to power.
You must not exceed the required watt.
If you exceed actual watts, e.g. an incandescent 75W bulb that uses a real 75W in a socket that says max 60W then you may risk overheating and fire, and may have the following consequences:
The fixture might overheat
The fixture could be discolored and/or destroyed
The lamp could burn-out prematurely
The house could be burnt down
The wiring could be damaged
If there were enough of them in a circuit, it could overload the circuit
Other bad consequences
Why not overload when using high power batteries/wall socket?
The input voltage and power of our home appliances are different, but whether it is converting 110V civil AC (220V in China) to about 5V DC to mobile phone batteries, or 370V DC to Electric vehicles, only require two steps: “rectification” and “voltage transformation”.
In order to supply power to our different household appliances, the electrical plug is used to transform the voltage, and its power is adjusted to deliver electricity to the device.
Imagine that our electricity is like water, which is transmitted to all the devices in your home through pipes (grid network). The wall socket is the gate, and the plug is the water pipe connected to this gate. The water pressure is adjusted to prevent too much water pressure to damage the devices.
The AC voltage in different countries and regions is also different, so there are various plugs for us. If you want to use Chinese appliances in the United States, you need to buy a conversion plug.
That mobile power is the same reason, the voltage is transformed through the plug. However, the battery like the portable power station does not have the high voltage and power of the wall socket.
At present, the maximum power of most portable power solutions only offer about 150W ~ 200W. So utilizing a standard portable power solution to power a 1200W kettle is pretty unrealistic. Therefore, before purchasing equipment and batteries, pay attention to the power requirements of the device and if the battery is able to support it.
https://himaxelectronics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/charge.jpg450800administrator/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Himax-home-page-design-logo-z.pngadministrator2020-07-07 05:49:222024-04-29 01:22:34What Are the Dangers of Using the Wrong Wattage
Lithium batteries, or Lithium-ion Polymer (LiPo) batteries, are batteries that use Lithium as a negative electrode material and use a non-aqueous electrolyte solution. In 1912, Lithium metal batteries were first proposed and studied by Gilbert N. Lewis. In the 1970s, M.S. Whittingham proposed and started researching Lithium-ion batteries. However, due to the complications of using the unstable Lithium metal, the batteries were not popular at the time.
It is now with further development that Lithium-ion Polymer batteries have fast become a preferred power source for many applications and industries. It is for this reason that we will explore the charging cycles of lithium-ion polymer batteries in-depth in this article.
What is a charging cycle?
Some consumers may have that the charge and discharge life of lithium-ion polymer batteries is “500 times.” But what is “500 times?” It refers to the number of charge and discharge cycles of the battery.
Let us look at an example: Let us say there is a lithium battery that uses only half of its charge in one day and is then charged fully. On the next day, it again only uses half of its power. Although the battery has been charged twice, this does not count as one charge cycle but two.
A charging cycle is when a battery goes from being fully charged to empty and then from empty to fully charged; this is not one single charge. Just based on the previous example, it’s clear that it can usually take several charges to complete a cycle.
Every time a charging cycle is completed, the battery capacity decreases a bit. However, the reduced capacity is very small. High-quality batteries will still retain 80% of their original capacity after many cycles of charging. Many lithium battery products will still be used after two or three years. Of course, after the end of the lithium battery life, it still needs to be replaced.
Ultimately, a 500-cycle life means that a manufacturer has achieved about 625 recharge times at a constant discharge depth (such as 80%) and reached 500 charging cycles. In other words, if we ignore other factors that could reduce the Lithium-ion battery capacity and we take 80% of 625, we receive 500.
However, due to various factors in life, especially considering how the depth of discharge (DOD) during charging is not constant, “500 charging cycles” can only be used as a reference to battery life.
Overall, it is better to think of the life of the lithium battery as related to the number of times the charging cycle is completed and not as directly related to the number of charges.
Deep and shallow charging
Here is another way to think of the cycle lives of lithium-ion polymer batteries: the life of a Lithium battery is generally 300 to 500 charging cycles. Assume that the capacity provided by a full discharge is Q. If the capacity reduction after each charging cycle is not considered, lithium batteries can provide or supplement 300Q-500Q power in total during its life. From this we know that if you use 1/2 each time, you can charge 600-1000 times; if you use 1/3 each time, you can charge 900-1500 times. By analogy, if you charge randomly, the number of times is uncertain. In short, no matter how a Lithium battery is charged, it is constant to add a total of 300Q to 500Q of power. Therefore, we can also understand this: the life of a Lithium battery is related to the total charge of the battery and has nothing to do with the number of charges. The effects of deep charging and shallow charging on lithium battery life are similar.
In fact, shallow discharge and shallow charges are more beneficial to lithium batteries. It is only necessary to deep charge when the power module of the product is calibrated for lithium batteries. Therefore, lithium-ion-powered products do not have to be constrained by the process: they can be charged at any time without worrying about affecting the battery life.
Effects of temperature on battery life
If a Lithium-ion Polymer battery is used in an environment higher than the specified operating temperature (above 35℃), the battery’s power will continue to decrease. In other words, the battery’s power supply time will not be as long as usual. If a device is charged at such temperatures, the damage to the battery will be greater. Even if the battery is stored in a hot temperature environment, it will inevitably cause damage to the battery. Therefore, it is a good idea to extend the life of lithium-ion polymer batteries by using it under normal operating temperatures as often as possible.
If you use Lithium batteries in a low-temperature environment (below 4℃), the battery life will also be reduced. Some older Lithium batteries of mobile phones cannot even be charged under low temperatures. However, unlike in high temperatures, once the temperatures rise, the molecules in a battery will heat up and immediately return to the previous charge.
Having explored battery performance under these extreme temperatures, the question now becomes if there are any batteries that can be used in environments with low or high temperatures.
Currently, GREPOW’s batteries can be used at temperature ranges of -50 ℃ to 50 ℃ or 20 ℃ to 80 ℃. Our low-temperature Lithium batteries’ discharging current of 0.2C at -50℃ is over 60% efficiency, over 80% efficiency at -40℃, and around 80% efficiency at -30℃.
We can further custom-make batteries depending on your specifications.
Charge-discharge cycle
To get the most out of lithium-ion batteries, you need to use it often so that the electrons in the Lithium batteries are always in a flowing state. If you do not use lithium batteries often, please remember to complete a charging cycle every month and do a power calibration, i.e. deep discharge and deep charge, once.
After the nominal number of charge and discharge cycles is used up, a battery’s ability to store power will drop to a certain level, but the battery can continue to be used.
Lithium batteries have no limit on the number of times they can be recharged. Regular manufacturers can charge and discharge batteries at least 500 times, and the capacity is maintained at more than 80% of the initial capacity. If charged and discharged once a day, batteries can be used for two years. Usually, batteries in mobile phones are charged 1000 times or more, which causes the batteries to be severely non-durable.
Below is a proper method of maintaining your mobile device’s battery:
When you charge your phone, fully charge it each time.
Do not fully discharge the battery. The battery needs to be charged when the power is less than 10%.
Charge with the original charger; do not use a third-party charger.
Do not use your mobile phone while it is being charged.
Don’t overcharge: stop charging after the battery is full.
According to the experimental results, the life of a lithium battery continuously declines with an increase in the number of charges.
Lithium battery cycle specified by the national standard
In order to measure how long the rechargeable battery can be used, the definition of the number of cycles is specified. Actual users use a wide variety of tests because tests with different conditions are not comparable, and the comparison must define the definition of cycle life.
Lithium battery cycle life test conditions and requirements specified by the national standard are as follows:Charge at 1C under the environment temperature of 20 ° C ± 5 ° C. When the battery terminal voltage reaches the charging limit voltage of 4.2V, change to constant voltage charging until the charging current is less than or equal to 1 / 20C, stop charging, leave it for 0.5h to 1h, and then discharge it at 1C to the termination voltage of 2.75V.
After the discharge is completed, leave it for 0.5h to 1h, and then perform the next charge and discharge cycle two consecutive times. Less than 36min, the end of life is considered, and the number of cycles must be greater than 300 times.
Having gone over the national standard, we should explain the following:
The standard specifies that the cycle life test is performed in a deep charge and deep release mode.
The cycle life of the lithium battery is specified. According to this model, the capacity is still more than 60% after ≥300 cycles.
However, the number of cycles obtained by different cycling systems is quite different. For example, the other conditions above are unchanged, and only the constant voltage of 4.2V is changed to a constant voltage of 4.1V for the cycle life of the same type of battery. In this way, the battery is no longer under a deep charge, and the cycle of life can be increased by nearly 60%. Then if the cut-off voltage is increased to 3.9V for testing, the number of cycles should be increased several times.
With regard to this statement that the charge and discharge cycle is one less life, we should pay attention to the definition of the charging cycle of a lithium battery: a charging cycle refers to the full charge of the lithium battery from empty to full, and then from empty to full the process of. And this is not the same as charging once.
In addition, when we talk about the number of cycles, we cannot ignore the conditions of the cycle. It is meaningless to talk about the number of cycles aside from the rules because the number of cycles is just a way to measure battery life.
If you want to learn more about batteries or our custom-made batteries, please contact us at sales@himaxelectronics.com and visit our website: https://himaxelectronics.com/
https://himaxelectronics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/2-60-79.jpg376800administrator/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Himax-home-page-design-logo-z.pngadministrator2020-06-30 03:34:542024-04-29 01:31:56The Charging Cycles of Lithium-ion Polymer Batteries
According to Yakgear, kayak fishing has advantages over the traditional method by boat. Just to name a couple, anglers can fish more economically and in smaller bodies of water.
What the general public might not know is that batteries are needed for motorized kayaks.
What do I need to know before choosing a battery?
Users should be aware of the basic terms outlined below:
Voltage (V):Like water pressure, it is the pressure from an electrical circuit’s power source that pushes charged electrons (current) through a conducting loop.
Ampere hours (Amps, A): This is the measurement of the current of electricity. It is also used to represent the battery capacity (Ah).
Life cycles: This is the measurement of battery life or the number of complete charge/discharge cycles that the battery is able to support before its capacity falls below 80% its original.
Depth of discharge (DOD): The DOD is often paired with life cycles, representing the percentage of the battery that has been discharged relative to the overall capacity of the battery.
Operation temperature (℃):This is the battery’s operating range of temperature. The battery should not be used outside this temperature rang as it will be damaged and become a safety hazard.
Watts:Watts represent how much energy is stored in the battery. If you want your electronics to work properly, you must confirm that the watts of the battery are sufficient (higher than the devices you used).
Where is the battery used on a kayak?
There are only three instances where we will need batteries on a kayak: When you need to charge your phone and power your light source and fish finder. The batteries must provide sufficient voltage and capacity to these devices while you are fishing so that you have enough power.
What is the best battery for kayaking?
A 12V and 10Ah battery is sufficient for most fish finders while providing extra power for other devices. Most people choose between either Lithium-ion Polymer or Lead-Acid batteries.
Lead-Acid batteries
Lead Acid batteries have the advantage of lower cost and little to no maintenance fee, but they can be heavyweight.
For safety reasons, users should choose a brand new Lead-Acid battery and ensure it is made of strong materials that prevent leakage of hazardous chemicals.
Lithium-ion Polymer (LiPo) batteries
Users have also used LiPo batteries by connecting them in series or parallel. They have they advantage of weighing less than other traditional power sources although they range from having 200 to 500 cycles.
Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries
LiFePO4 batteries have a cycle life of more than 2,000, and they do not require frequent as much maintenance and replacements as compared to their Lead-Acid counterparts. These batteries are also more environmentally friendly.
Why Himax?
Himax is a cell and battery pack manufacturer that specializes in Lithium batteries. As we have various designs for numerous applications, we can custom-make Lithium batteries for your marine uses.
https://himaxelectronics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/kayaking-battery.jpg376800administrator/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Himax-home-page-design-logo-z.pngadministrator2020-06-30 03:29:552024-04-29 01:21:30What is The Best Battery For Kayaking?
Batteries for industrial applications have certain characteristics, such as high discharge and large capacity. These batteries consist of three parts: Customized battery + BMS + Charging system
Industrial applications
Let’s look at where industrial batteries are used. Industrial applications cover a wide area, but we can separate them into 3 larger categories:
– Measuring, Mapping and Surveying equipment
– Detection and Inspection equipment
– Filming and Production equipment
In these three industrial areas, the batteries must be adjusted according to their different use.
For example, in areas with extremely cold temperatures, the batteries should have the ability to withstand low temperatures and continue to discharge at low temperatures all while fulfilling the charging capabilities. If a device can be charged in these extreme environments, users can save time and the cost that it takes to remove and replace a battery or device in these settings. This can increase the overall efficiency.
Why are industrial batteries needed?
Technically, not all industrial applications require industrial batteries. However, they are the preferred norm as a complete power system will ensure that a customer’s equipment maintains sufficient power without causing any delays or decreasing inefficiency due to power problems.
A BMS (Battery Management System) is the intelligent component of a battery pack that is responsible for advanced monitoring and management. It plays a critical role in safety, performance, charge rates, and longevity. By monitoring the SOC (State of Charge) of the battery and managing the charge and discharge, the BMS can overall increase the efficiency and life of the battery.
Major functions of the BMS:
Overcharge protection
Over-discharge protection
Overcurrent protection
Overheat protection
Short-circuit protection
Cell monitoring & balancing
Communication interface
Power gauge
Customized batteries
It is impossible for one battery to fit all the different industrial applications. Its voltage, capacity, and discharge current may easily meet the requirements of one device, but its size, internal resistance, temperature range, charging rate, and may not meet the requirements of another device. It is for this reason that industrial batteries must be customized. Take a forklift that must operate a cold storage warehouse or facility. Let’s say that the ambient temperature at which the forklift works in such an environment is -10℃ to -40℃.
At this point, one must ask: Can the battery powering the forklift discharge at -40℃? Can the discharge current start the forklift? How long can the battery keep supplying power? Mor importantly, how long does the forklift work?
Forklifts working in cold storage facilities generally need to be driven to a separate room with normal temperatures for charging. This is because a Lithium battery’s charging performance below 0 degrees is extremely poor, and the battery may pose a safety hazard. When the battery returns to normal temperatures, moisture can generate on the surface. If the battery is also used or stored in an environment with high humidity for a long time, the battery cells will corrode and affect the battery life.
Himax low-temperature LiPo battery charge curved
On the other hand, if the battery has been customized to work in low-temperature environments, then the battery will be able to be charged in the cold storage facility without having to go through the hassle of moving the forklift to another space. This will overall increase efficiency and save on costs, which is why a customized battery is important for industrial applications.
The charging system
In general, the power of industrial battery chargers is relatively large; after all, the voltage and capacity of industrial batteries are relatively large, but the essentials of industrial battery chargers are to create synergistic effects with industrial batteries.
Industrial batteries are biased towards customized energy solutions, so chargers need to be able to detect the state of the battery to provide the highest quality charging solution, such as determining its own charging cycle rate to adjust the charging current based on the battery’s discharge state. Through the BMS, the charger can detect whether the battery has an abnormal voltage gap and remind the user that the battery needs to be replaced. Fail-safe designs also protect the battery and device when the state of charge is abnormal.
Advantages of an industrial battery system
The profitability of the manufacturing industry is constantly in a state of flux. Therefore, capacity and cost control are particularly important, and cost reduction will help factories have a greater advantage in profitability and bargaining power. Being able to achieve this goal allows these companies to maintain their profitability despite the rise and fall of commodity prices. If you want to learn more about industrial batteries, please contact us.
https://himaxelectronics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Industrial-Battery.jpg424800administrator/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Himax-home-page-design-logo-z.pngadministrator2020-06-23 03:08:102024-04-28 15:42:53What is The Industrial Battery System?
The cycle life of a Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) battery is more than 4 to 5 times that of other lithium ion polymer batteries. The operating temperature range is wider and safer; however, the discharge platform is lower, the nominal voltage is only 3.2V, and the fully-charged voltage is 3.65V.
Lithium iron phosphate is mostly used to replace traditional lead-acid batteries. We also often find that lithium iron phosphate batteries are used in household solar energy systems, fishing, golf carts, outdoor portable energy storages, and electric motorcycles.
What is a Lithium iron phosphate battery?
Lithium-ion polymer (LIPO) battery
A lithium ion polymer battery is a kind of rechargeable battery that mainly relies on the movement of lithium ions between positive electrode and negative electrode to work. Lithium ion batteries use an intercalated lithium compound as an electrode material. At present, the commonly used cathode materials for lithium ion batteries are: lithium cobalt oxide (LCO battery), lithium manganate (LMO battery), lithium-ion ternary (NCA, NMC battery), and lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4 battery).
Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4, LFP) battery
A lithium iron phosphate battery is a type of lithium ion polymer battery that uses LiFePO4 as the cathode material and a graphitic carbon electrode with a metallic backing as the anode.
The LiFePO4 battery, also called the LFP battery, is a type of rechargeable battery. It is the safest Lithium battery type currently available on the market today. It is made to be small in size and light in weight, and the cycle life can reach thousands of cycles.
The difference between LiFePO4 batteries and other li-ion batteries
Inherited some advantages from Lithium-ion batteries
Large current charging and discharging are one of the advantages of LiPo batteries, which allows a device to release more energy in a short period of time. These batteries are used more in racing and power tools: almost all drones and RC model batteries use lithium ion batteries.
Batteries for RC models normally reach 15C, 30C, 50C discharge. Lithium-ion polymer batteries with high discharge rate can reach a maximum of 50C (continuous) and 150C (pulse). They are light in weight, have a long life, and can be manufactured into various shapes. These are just some of the advantages of lithium ion batteries, and lithium iron phosphate batteries have these advantages.
Long cycle life
Because a LFP battery’s cycle life is 4 to 5 times that of other lithium ion batteries, it can reach 2000 to 3000 cycles or more. The LiFePO4 battery can also reach 100% depth of discharge (DOD). This means that, for energy storage products, there is no need to worry about over discharging a LFP battery, and it can even be used for a longer period of time. A good LiFePO4 battery can be used for 3 to 7 years, so the average cost is very affordable.
For more content on depth of discharge (DOD), you can read this article: What is DOD for LiFePO4 batteries?
However, a LiFePO4 battery is not suitable for wearable devices as its energy density is lower than that of other lithium-ion batteries. Furthermore, the battery compartment has limited space, so the capacity is relatively lower.
Thus, compared to another LiPo battery, a LFP battery does not have quite as good endurance and compatibility with the conditions and internal space of wearable devices.
Why are most lithium iron phosphate batteries 12V?
It is said that the lithium iron phosphate battery can perfectly replace the lead-acid battery. The nominal voltage of a lead-acid battery is 2V, and the six lead-acid batteries connected in series are 12V.
However, the 12V LiFePO4 battery pack is generally composed of 4 battery cells connected in series. The nominal voltage of a single lithium iron phosphate pouch cell is 3.2V. When adding the voltage of the series, we get 12.8V (3.2V * 4 = 12.8V). There are also the 24V (25.6V) and 48V (51.2V), which are commonly used.
In addition, the voltage requirement of most industrial applications is 12V or above, which is also the minimum standard of the nominal voltage of general industrial batteries. There are also many applications that need to reach 220V, even 380V or above, such as an industrial forklift, winch, electric drill, etc.
The sales of 24V and 48V electric forklifts are on the rise especially recently, so a primary concern is over how safe a battery is. Compared to the lithium cobalt oxide and lithium manganese oxide batteries, lithium iron phosphate batteries are a lot more safe. The advantage of high life can reduce the whole costs of maintaining and replacing the battery as well.
The shortcomings of cold temperature
Compared to other LiPo and lead-acid batteries, lithium iron phosphate batteries have poor resistance in low-temperature environments; generally, they can only discharge at -10℃ to -20℃.
However, clients think positively of LFP batteries and their high safety functions. They sacrifice some battery performance and specify that they discharge at -30℃ to -40℃. These batteries are mostly used in the military or deep sea and space equipment.
Learn more about batteries
Keep an eye out on Himax’s official blog, where we regularly update industry-related articles to keep you up-to-date.
https://himaxelectronics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/LiFePO4-vs-li-ion-polymer-battery.jpg480800administrator/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Himax-home-page-design-logo-z.pngadministrator2020-06-23 03:02:322024-04-26 07:53:17A LiFePO4 Battery Vs Lithium Ion Polymer Battery
At present, most vehicle GPS on the market is powered by a built-in lithium battery, this power supply method is suitable for many portable digital products. Lithium-ion batteries have the advantages of stable discharge performance, high energy density, small size, and no memory effect.
Vehicle GPS as one of the main products using lithium batteries, in the daily use of GPS, many bad usage habits can cause fatal damage to lithium batteries in-vehicle GPS systems. Since lithium batteries have special requirements in terms of use and daily maintenance when using lithium batteries as a power supply method, we should pay attention to the following:
Many users are accustomed to plugging in the GPS charger when using vehicle GPS, the car’s power supply will automatically charge the GPS batteries, so each time the GPS system is turned on or off is equivalent to charging and discharging the batteries, which will affect the battery life.
Since the main factor that affects the life and capacity of lithium batteries is the number of times the battery is charged and discharged, that’s why the GPS battery in vehicles has become less durable.
The correct use method is to charge the battery when the GPS power is low, and then disconnect the charger after the GPS is fully charged. It should be noted that the GPS battery would be at an over-discharged state by its self-discharge characteristics in case the GPS is not used for a long time. In order to prevent over-discharge, the GPS battery should be charged periodically every month.
The battery capacity of the newly purchased GPS is only 50% or lower, and it can be used normally for the first time. When the battery capacity is insufficient, it should be charged normally according to the instructions of the manual. It is best to use the original charger for charging.
In addition, there are several points to be noted during the use of GPS:
Don’t over-charge and over-discharge the GPS battery. Charging normally when the battery capacity is low, which will not damage the lithium battery.
Use the original charger for charging, don’t use a third-party charger.
Most car GPS lithium batteries are built-in, don’t disassemble or modify the battery without permission.
Avoid exposing the product to extreme environments and protect the battery from liquid corrosion.
In fact, the reasonable and correct use of lithium batteries, and proper maintenance, vehicle GPS service life will be extended according to the battery life.
https://himaxelectronics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/g.jpg6001000administrator/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Himax-home-page-design-logo-z.pngadministrator2020-06-16 05:38:222020-06-16 05:38:45How to Maintain a GPS Lithium Battery?
Compared to a lithium ion polymer (LiPo) battery, the nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) battery is a relatively safe battery as it is well designed in terms of safety performance due to its material and structure.
Generally, the NiMH rechargeable batteries rarely leak, unlike alkaline batteries. However, both alkaline and rechargeable batteries contain electrolytes, which could induce leakage when the batteries are used incorrectly.
By this logic, nickel-metal hydride batteries may explode. The principle of explosion is that the air pressure inside an object becomes too large, so the container cannot be contained. When the container breaks, it results in an explosion as the air pressure is released in an instant.
If a battery is used improperly, there can be an overcharge/discharge, short circuit, and even increase in internal voltage. To prevent the battery from exploding, a recoverable safety valve will open and reduce the internal pressure, thereby preventing an explosion.
What are NiMh batteries?
The nickel-metal hydride battery is mostly used in mobile-communication equipment, power tools, and medical equipment.
NiMH batteries are divided into high-voltage and low-voltage batteries. The high-voltage NiMH battery was first developed by M.Klein and J.F. Stockel in the United States in the early 1970s. Since then, there has been a tendency to replace nickel-cadmium with nickel-metal hydride batteries.
The positive electrode active material of Ni-MH battery is Ni (OH) 2 (called NiO electrode), the negative electrode active material is metal hydride, also called hydrogen storage alloy (the electrode is called hydrogen storage electrode), and the electrolyte is 6 mol/L potassium hydroxide solution.
The batteries are produced by different methods according to how they will be used. Different methods include the sintering, pulping, foam-nickel, fiber-nickel, and infiltration process.
Many batteries use the slurry-pulled negative electrode and the foamed nickel positive electrode to form the battery. The charge-discharge chemical reactions are as follows:
Hab: hydrogen adsorption; the process from left to right is the charging process; the process from right to left is the discharging process.
Features of NiMh batteries
Low-voltage nickel-metal hydride batteries have the following characteristics:
The voltage is 1.2 to 1.3V, which is equivalent to that of cadmium nickel batteries. The energy density is high, which is also more than 1.5 times that of cadmium nickel batteries.
They can be charged and discharged quickly, and they have good low-temperature performance. They are sealable and have strong resistance to overcharge and discharge. There is no dendrite formation, which prevents short circuiting. Overall, low-voltage NIMH batteries are safe and reliable.
High-voltage nickel-metal hydride batteries have the following characteristics:
The batteries have better over-discharge and overcharge protection, can withstand higher charge-discharge rate and also does not have dendrite formation. The mass specific capacity is 60Ah/kg, which is 5 times that of nickel-cadmium batteries.
They also have a long cycle life (up to a 1000 cycles) and excellent low-temperature performance. They are fully sealed and require less maintenance, and the capacity does not change significantly even at -10℃.
Below are just a couple of preventative measures to prevent NiMH batteries from exploding.
Avoid overcharging during use
Users should avoid overcharging because it is easy to cause the positive and negative electrodes in the battery to swell. This will cause the active material to fall off, the separator and the conductive network to be damaged, and the battery ohmic (Ω) polarization to become larger.
Storage of NiMH batteries
The nickel-metal hydride battery should be fully charged. If the battery is stored for a long period of time, the function of the hydrogen storage alloy of the battery negative electrode weakens, which affects the battery life.
Learn more about Himax NiMH batteries
Himax’s nickel-metal hydride batteries are the world ’s leading level, offers up to 2 times the C-rate of same size standard Nickel Cadmium Batteries. Due to their higher discharge rate and energy density features, users can use on more powerful equipments and applications.
Himax offers are variety of NiMH Battery Cells with wide temperature ranges. These Cells provide new electrode development which allows for a wide temperature range and long life. The cells have good availability with a wide cell selection that includes stable and compatible sizes.
Lithium polymer battery is a kind of lithium-ion battery, but it has obvious advantages over liquid lithium battery (with high energy density, more compact, ultra-thin, lightweight, and high safety and size), is a novel battery. Below we detail the advantages of lithium polymer batteries.
1. Good safety performance
Lithium polymer batteries are structured in soft aluminum-plastic packaging, which is different from the metal case of liquid batteries. Once a safety hazard occurs, the liquid batteries are liable to explode, and the lithium polymer batteries can only be inflated.
2. Can be made thinner
Ordinary liquid lithium batteries adopt the method of customizing the casing first and then plugging the positive and negative electrodes. The thickness is less than 3.6mm. There is a technical limitation. The lithium-polymer battery does not have this problem. The thickness can be less than 1mm( ultra-thin battery can be 0.4mm in thickness), which meets the current mobile phone requirements.
3. Lightweight
Batteries with polymer weights do not require a metal case as protective packaging. Lithium polymer batteries are 40% lighter than steel-case lithium batteries of the same capacity and 20% lighter than aluminum-case batteries.
4. Large capacity
Polymer batteries have a capacity 10 ~ 15% higher than steel-case batteries of the same size and specifications, and 5 ~ 10% higher than aluminum-case batteries. They have become the first choice for color screen mobile phones and MMS mobile phones. The newest color screen and MMS mobile phones currently on the market also Polymer batteries.
5. Small internal resistance
The internal resistance of lithium polymer batteries is smaller than that of ordinary liquid batteries. At present, the internal resistance of domestic polymer batteries can even be less than 35mΩ, which greatly reduces the self-power consumption of the battery and extends the standby time of the mobile phone. It is completely possible. Reached the level of international standards. This kind of polymer lithium battery that supports large discharge current is an ideal choice for remote control model, and it has become the most promising product to replace the nickel-metal hydride battery.
6. The shape can be customized
Lithium polymer batteries can increase or decrease the cell thickness according to customer needs, develop new cell models, are cheap, have short mold opening cycles, and some can even be tailored to the shape of the cell phone to fully utilize the battery case space and enhance the battery capacity.
7.Good discharge characteristics
Lithium polymer batteries use colloidal electrolytes, which are subdivided into liquid electrolytes. Colloidal electrolytes have stable discharge characteristics and a higher discharge platform.
8.Simple protection plate design
Because of the use of polymer materials, the battery core does not ignite, does not explode, and the battery core itself has sufficient safety. Therefore, the protection circuit design oflithium polymer batteries can consider omitting PTC and fuses, thereby saving battery costs.
HIMAX specializes in custom, semi-custom, and off-the-shelf lithium polymer batteries. With over 15 years of customer service experience, HIMAX has developed a very complete service system, specifically tailored for our customers, which helps us in better understanding your needs in the first step of our communication, in a highly time-efficient way.
If you are interested in our lithium polymer batteries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time!
Email: sales@himaxelectronics.com
Himax Website: https://himaxelectronics.com/
https://himaxelectronics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/LiPO-Battery.jpg400800administrator/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Himax-home-page-design-logo-z.pngadministrator2020-06-09 06:11:052024-04-26 03:48:338 Advantages of Lithium Polymer Batteries
There are three types of medical batteries commonly seen in hospitals and clinical settings, and it is important to be able to distinguish them in order to know which custom battery adapter is the right fit when analyzing battery life:
Removable batteries: Nurses charge these packs on charging stations and get periodic analysis in the service center. Typical uses are defibrillators, infusion pumps, diabetic monitors, and surgical tools.
Built-in batteries:Increasingly, batteries are internal to the devices and are charged while the device is connected to the grid. Battery maintenance is done by the bio-med technician by opening the instrument. Typical uses are modern defibrillators, patient monitors, ventilators, surgical tools.
Standby batteries: These batteries are built into instruments on wheels and service as backup during transit and at bed-side. Many of these batteries are still lead acid. The depth of discharge is small if the nurse remembers to connect the AC cord. Typical uses are COW (Computer-on-wheels) blood transfusion units, as well as portable x-ray.
Dave Marlow, a certified biomedical equipment technician at the University of Michigan Health System, categorizes the battery as a “mixed bag of challenges”, with different medical facilities having different assortments of capabilities, battery technologies, manufacturing approaches, user training and experience differences. This is due to the fact that medical batteries must be designed, manufactured and labelled specifically for their use with specific medical devices (source) making the list of batteries designed for each machine essentially endless.
https://himaxelectronics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Medical-battery.jpg400800administrator/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Himax-home-page-design-logo-z.pngadministrator2020-06-09 06:03:482024-04-26 03:48:11Identifying Different Types of Medical Batteries