Maximizing the Lifespan of NiMH Batteries:

An Expert Guide

Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries are renowned for their capacity and environmental friendliness, making them a preferred choice for many electronic applications. Understanding their lifespan and how to maximize it can help you make the most of your NiMH batteries, ensuring that they provide reliable and consistent power over their lifetime. This comprehensive guide delves into the factors that affect NiMH battery life and how to extend it, with a special focus on the advantages of choosing Himax Electronics as your battery provider.

Introduction to NiMH Battery Lifespan

NiMH batteries are known for their robust performance, offering anywhere from 500 to 1000 charge cycles under optimal conditions. The longevity of these batteries can vary based on several factors, including how they are charged, discharged, and stored. Proper care can significantly extend the life of NiMH batteries, making them more cost-effective and reliable over time.

Key Factors Influencing NiMH Battery Lifespan

  1. Charging Practices
  • Proper charging is crucial for maintaining the health of NiMH batteries. Using a smart charger that prevents overcharging is essential, as overcharging can lead to heat damage and reduced battery capacity.
  1. Depth of Discharge (DoD)
  • The life of a Ni-MH battery is also affected by how deeply it is discharged before recharging. Shallow discharges (using only a small portion of the battery’s capacity before recharging) can help prolong the battery’s life.
  1. Storage Conditions
  • Temperature and humidity can greatly affect the lifespan of a Ni-MH battery. Storing batteries in a cool, dry place when they are not in use is ideal. Extreme conditions can degrade batteries more quickly, reducing their overall lifespan.
  1. Frequency of Use
  • Regular use can help maintain NiMH battery capacity. Batteries left unused for extended periods may suffer from the memory effect, where they lose the ability to achieve full charge.

Extending the Life of NiMH Batteries

To ensure your NiMH batteries last as long as possible, consider the following tips:

  • Use an Appropriate Charger: Always use a charger compatible with NiMH batteries. Himax Electronics offers advanced chargers designed to optimize battery life.
  • Avoid Overcharging: Remove batteries from the charger once they are fully charged to prevent heat buildup and overcharging.
  • Maintain Moderate Temperature: Store batteries in a place with a stable, moderate temperature. Avoid exposure to high temperatures which can accelerate degradation.
  • Regular Cycling: Periodically fully discharge and recharge your batteries to help them maintain their full capacity, a process that can be especially beneficial for NiMH batteries.

Benefits of Choosing Himax Electronics

Selecting Himax Electronics for your Ni-MH battery needs provides several key advantages:

  • Quality Assurance: Himax Electronics provides high-quality NiMH batteries that are tested rigorously to ensure they meet high standards of performance and durability.
  • Advanced Charging Solutions: We offer state-of-the-art charging technologies that extend the life of NiMH batteries by optimizing charging cycles and preventing overcharging.
  • Expert Support: Our team is available to offer guidance on the best practices for battery care, helping you to maximize the lifespan of your batteries.
  • Sustainable Solutions: Himax is committed to sustainability, offering eco-friendly battery options and recycling programs that help minimize environmental impact.


Understanding and managing the factors that affect the lifespan of NiMH batteries can greatly enhance their effectiveness and longevity. By following the guidelines outlined in this article and using quality products from Himax Electronics, you can ensure that your NiMH batteries provide reliable power efficiently and sustainably. Choosing Himax Electronics not only means selecting superior battery products but also gaining a partner dedicated to providing comprehensive support and sustainable solutions.



Your Ultimate Source for NiMH Batteries: Himax Electronics

When it comes to finding the best source for NiMH (Nickel-Metal Hydride) batteries, Himax Electronics offers unmatched quality and service. This detailed guide highlights why Himax Electronics stands out as a leading provider of reliable, efficient, and environmentally friendly NiMH batteries.


Understanding NiMH Batteries at Himax Electronics

Himax Electronics is dedicated to offering a wide selection of NiMH batteries, which are renowned for their high energy density and minimal environmental impact compared to other battery types like Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd). These batteries are preferred for devices that require reliable power without frequent recharging. Himax’s NiMH batteries are designed to provide stable performance across a wide range of applications—from consumer electronics like digital cameras and portable audio devices to more demanding uses such as in emergency systems and backup power for renewable energy installations. Their excellent charge retention and reduced memory effect make them especially suitable for applications where frequent full discharges occur.

Advantages of Purchasing NiMH Batteries from Himax Electronics

  1. Quality and Reliability
    1. Superior Quality: Himax Electronics ensures that each NiMH battery adheres to the highest standards of quality. Through rigorous testing and quality control procedures, we guarantee that our batteries meet strict performance and durability standards, ensuring that they perform optimally for their entire lifespan.
    2. Reliability: Himax batteries are engineered to deliver consistent and reliable power, which is crucial for devices that require dependable energy sources. Our commitment to reliability helps prevent the common issues associated with lesser quality batteries, such as power drops and short life spans.
  2. Tailored Solutions
    1. Customization: Himax Electronics recognizes that different devices and applications require specific power solutions. We offer customized battery packs tailored to the precise needs of our customers, ensuring that each battery provides the best possible performance for its intended use.
    2. Expert Guidance: Our team of battery experts is available to assist customers in selecting the right NiMH battery for their specific needs. We consider factors such as device specifications, usage patterns, and environmental conditions to recommend the most appropriate and cost-effective battery solutions.
  3. Environmental Commitment
    1. Eco-Friendly Products: As part of our commitment to sustainability, Himax’s NiMH batteries are designed to be an environmentally friendly power source. Unlike NiCd batteries, our NiMH batteries do not contain harmful heavy metals, reducing environmental pollution and making disposal safer and easier.
    2. Recycling Programs: Himax actively supports environmental conservation through our battery recycling programs. These initiatives are designed to minimize waste and repurpose materials, further reducing the environmental impact of our products.
  4. Customer-Centric Services
    1. Comprehensive Support: At Himax Electronics, we understand that purchasing batteries is just one part of our customers’ needs. That’s why we offer extensive support services, including troubleshooting, guidance on best usage practices, and help with any other queries that may arise after the purchase.
    2. Warranty and Trust: We back our NiMH batteries with a comprehensive warranty, providing added peace of mind and evidence of our confidence in our products. This warranty ensures that customers can trust the quality and durability of their purchases from Himax Electronics.



Choosing Himax Electronics for your Ni-MH battery requirements means opting for a provider that offers more than just products. We deliver complete power solutions that enhance the efficiency and functionality of your devices. Our commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and environmental sustainability makes us a trusted leader in the battery market.

NiCd and NiMH Rechargeable Batteries

Comprehensive Guide:

In the world of rechargeable batteries, Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) and Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) have established themselves as reliable sources of power for various applications. Understanding the fundamental differences between these two types of batteries is crucial for choosing the right battery technology for your needs. This extensive guide dives deep into each battery type’s characteristics, benefits, drawbacks, and discusses why Himax Electronics is a leader in providing top-tier battery solutions.

Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) Batteries

Chemistry and Design:

NiCd batteries were introduced in the early 1900s, utilizing nickel oxide hydroxide and metallic cadmium as electrodes. These batteries are known for their excellent discharge rates and ability to perform under a wide range of temperatures and conditions.


  • Durability: NiCd batteries are tough and can withstand rough handling, vibrations, and high temperatures, making them suitable for power tools and other demanding applications.
  • Performance Consistency: They provide a stable voltage level and excellent performance throughout the discharge cycle, essential for applications requiring a steady power supply.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Generally less expensive to produce than other types of rechargeable batteries, offering a lower upfront cost.


  • Environmental Concerns: Cadmium is highly toxic, posing significant disposal and environmental health issues.
  • Memory Effect: NiCd batteries are prone to memory effect, where they may lose their maximum energy capacity if they are repeatedly recharged after being only partially discharged.

NiCd batteries

Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) Batteries

Chemistry and Design:

Developed as a less toxic alternative to NiCd batteries, NiMH batteries use a hydrogen-absorbing alloy for the anode and nickel oxyhydroxide for the cathode. They were introduced in the 1980s and have become particularly popular for consumer electronics.


  • Higher Capacity: NiMH batteries can store more energy than NiCd batteries, making them ideal for high-drain devices such as digital cameras and handheld gaming consoles.
  • Environmental Safety: Lacking toxic metals like cadmium, NiMH batteries are more environmentally friendly and easier to dispose of safely.
  • Reduced Memory Effect: While still present, the memory effect in NiMH batteries is less pronounced than in NiCd batteries.


  • Self-Discharge: NiMH batteries typically have a higher self-discharge rate than NiCd batteries, which can be problematic when the batteries are not used regularly.
  • Sensitivity to Temperature: They can perform poorly in extreme cold, which may limit their use in certain outdoor applications.


NiCd Batteries:

  • Ideal for emergency lighting, medical equipment, and power tools where durability and reliability are critical.

NiMH Batteries:

  • Commonly used in portable personal electronics, hybrid cars, and wherever higher energy density and reduced weight are beneficial.

Choosing Between NiCd and NiMH

The choice between NiCd and NiMH batteries should be based on the specific needs of the application:

  • Cost vs. Environmental Impact: If budget is the primary concern and the batteries are maintained properly to mitigate the memory effect, NiCd might be the choice. However, for those prioritizing environmental sustainability and higher performance, NiMH is superior.
  • Application Requirements: Consider whether the application requires robust performance in harsh conditions (favoring NiCd) or higher energy capacity and safety (favoring NiMH).

Himax Electronics: Your Partner in Advanced Battery Solutions

Why Choose Himax:

  • Innovative Technology: Himax Electronics stays at the forefront of battery technology, offering products that meet the latest standards for performance and environmental safety.
  • Quality Assurance: We ensure that all our batteries, whether NiCd or NiMH, are tested rigorously to provide reliable and safe solutions.
  • Custom Solutions: Understanding that each application has unique requirements, Himax provides customized battery solutions tailored to meet those specific needs.
  • Support and Sustainability: We are committed to sustainable practices and offer comprehensive support to help our customers achieve their operational and environmental objectives.

NiMH Rechargeable Batteries


Both NiCd and NiMH batteries have their place in the modern world. Choosing the right type involves considering various factors including environmental impact, performance requirements, and cost. For those seeking reliable, high-performance battery solutions, Himax Electronics offers the expertise and technology to ensure you find the perfect fit for your needs.


How Long to Charge a 7.2V 1800mAh NiMH Battery: An Expert Guide

When it comes to recharging batteries, understanding the correct procedures and times can significantly impact their efficiency and lifespan. For those using a 7.2V 1800mAh NiMH (Nickel-Metal Hydride) battery, knowing how long to charge it is crucial. This detailed guide explores the factors that affect charging time, methods to optimize charging, and how Himax Electronics can help maximize your battery’s performance.


Understanding NiMH Batteries

Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries are popular due to their high energy density and environmental friendliness compared to Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) batteries. They are commonly used in portable electronic devices, RC toys, and power tools because of their robustness and reliability.

Factors Influencing Charging Time

Charging time for a 7.2V 1800mAh NiMH battery can be influenced by several factors:
  • Charger Output: The current output of the charger is a primary determinant of how quickly a battery can be charged. Chargers vary in their output, and selecting the right one is critical.
  • Battery Condition: Older batteries or those that have been deep-cycled frequently may have longer charging times due to reduced efficiency.
  • Ambient Temperature: Battery chemistry is sensitive to temperature. Extremely cold or hot conditions can affect charging times and battery health.
  • Initial Battery Charge: If the battery is deeply discharged, it will take longer to charge compared to one that is only partially discharged.

Calculating Charging Time

To estimate the charging time for your 7.2V 1800mAh NiMH battery, you can use the following formula:
Charging Time (hours)=Battery Capacity (mAh)/Charger Current (mA)×1.2Charging Time (hours)
The factor of 1.2 accounts for the charge inefficiency during the charging process.
Example Calculation: If using a charger with a 900mA output, the estimated charging time would be:
Charging Time=1800mAh/900mA×1.2h=2.4 hours charging Time

Optimizing Charging Practices

  1. Use an Appropriate Charger: Ensure the charger is suitable for NiMH batteries and can adjust to the correct voltage and current.
  2. Monitor the Charge: Avoid overcharging, which can lead to reduced battery life and potential overheating. Using a smart charger that automatically stops when the battery is full is advisable.
  3. Maintain Battery Health: Regularly cycle the battery (fully charge and then fully discharge) to keep it at optimal health and to recalibrate any power gauges on your device.
  4. Charge at Room Temperature: Charging at extreme temperatures can damage the battery. Always charge at room temperature to ensure safety and efficiency.


Why Choose Himax Electronics for Charging Your NiMH Battery

Himax Electronics offers several advantages for your battery charging needs:
  • Advanced Charging Technology: Our chargers are equipped with smart features that prevent overcharging and optimize the charging rate according to the battery’s capacity and health.
  • Quality and Reliability: Himax Electronics provides high-quality, reliable chargers and batteries, ensuring that your devices always have the power they need without risking battery damage.
  • Expert Support: Our team is available to assist with any questions about charging your NiMH batteries, helping you to extend the battery’s life and maintain its performance.


Understanding how to properly charge your 7.2V 1800mAh Ni-MH battery is crucial for maximizing its lifespan and performance. By following the detailed steps and recommendations provided, you can ensure efficient and safe charging. Choose Himax Electronics for your charging solutions to benefit from advanced technology, reliable products, and expert support.

Can You Replace a NiCd Battery with a NiMH Battery?

A Detailed Exploration

As technology evolves, so does the need for more efficient, durable, and environmentally friendly power sources. Nickel-cadmium (NiCd) batteries have been popular due to their durability and high discharge rates, but concerns over environmental impact and performance have led many to consider nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries as a superior alternative. This comprehensive guide explores whether you can replace a NiCd battery with a NiMH battery, covering all necessary considerations from compatibility to benefits, and highlights how Himax Electronics can facilitate this transition.

Understanding NiCd and NiMH Batteries

NiCd Batteries:

  • Made from nickel oxide hydroxide and cadmium.
  • Known for their good performance in low temperatures and ability to deliver full rated capacity at high discharge rates.
  • However, they suffer from the “memory effect” and contain toxic substances, posing environmental disposal issues.

NiMH Batteries:

  • Use a hydrogen-absorbing alloy instead of cadmium, making them more environmentally friendly.
  • Offer higher capacity and energy density, and are less prone to memory effects compared to NiCd batteries.
  • Generally, provide longer runtimes on a single charge and are considered a greener alternative.

NiMh battery

Compatibility Issues

Replacing NiCd with NiMH batteries isn’t straightforward due to differences in charging algorithms and discharge profiles:

  • Voltage Similarity: Both types of batteries typically offer similar voltages, which might suggest compatibility. However, NiMH batteries often have a different discharge curve, which can affect device operation.
  • Charging Requirements: NiMH batteries require a different charging protocol. NiCd chargers may undercharge NiMH batteries or overcharge them, leading to reduced battery life or potential safety issues.
  • Device Sensitivity: Some devices designed specifically for NiCd batteries might not perform optimally with NiMH batteries due to differences in output characteristics.

Benefits of Switching to NiMH

  • Environmental Impact: NiMH batteries are more environmentally friendly than NiCd batteries as they do not contain toxic cadmium.
  • Enhanced Capacity: They typically offer higher capacities, which translates to longer use between charges.
  • Reduced Memory Effect: Modern NiMH batteries are much less susceptible to memory effect, allowing more flexible charging without significant loss of capacity.

How to Switch from NiCd to NiMH Batteries

  1. Check Device Compatibility: Ensure the device can handle NiMH batteries in terms of voltage and charging requirements. Consult the device’s manual or manufacturer if necessary.
  2. Update Charger: Use a charger that is specifically designed for NiMH batteries to ensure they are charged correctly and safely.
  3. Test Performance: Initially, monitor the device’s performance with the NiMH battery to check for any operational issues.
  4. Battery Disposal: Dispose of NiCd batteries properly due to their toxic cadmium content.

NiMh battery

Choosing Himax Electronics for Your Battery Needs

When upgrading from NiCd to NiMH batteries, choosing the right provider is crucial. Himax Electronics offers:

  • High-Quality NiMH Batteries: Our batteries are designed for high performance, reliability, and longevity.
  • Advanced Charging Solutions: We provide chargers optimized for NiMH technology, ensuring your batteries are charged safely and efficiently.
  • Expert Support: Our team offers expert advice to help you make a seamless transition from NiCd to NiMH batteries, ensuring compatibility and enhanced performance.
  • Environmental Commitment: We are committed to environmental sustainability, offering products that are both efficient and eco-friendly.


Switching from NiCd to NiMH batteries can offer significant advantages in terms of performance, capacity, and environmental impact. While compatibility issues need careful consideration, the overall benefits of making the switch are clear. With Himax Electronics, you can ensure that you have access to top-quality products and support, helping you to upgrade your battery solutions effectively and responsibly.

rechargeable battery nimh

How to Properly Charge a NiMH Battery: Everything You Need to Know

Nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries are widely used in a variety of devices, from household items like remote controls and toys to more demanding applications such as digital cameras and personal electronics. Proper charging is essential to maximize the life and performance of NiMH batteries. This guide will provide you with comprehensive instructions on how to charge NiMH batteries effectively, while also highlighting how Himax Electronics can provide superior charging solutions.

1.2v 40mah nimh button cell

Understanding NiMH Batteries

Before diving into the charging process, it’s important to understand what NiMH batteries are and their benefits:
  • Composition: NiMH batteries consist of a nickel oxide hydroxide cathode and a hydrogen-absorbing alloy anode.
  • Rechargeability: They can be recharged hundreds of times, making them a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option.
  • Memory Effect: Modern NiMH batteries have a lower memory effect than older rechargeable batteries, but proper charging practices are still important to avoid capacity loss.

Equipment Required for Charging NiMH Batteries

To ensure safe and effective charging of NiMH batteries, the right equipment is essential:
  • NiMH-Compatible Charger: Use a charger specifically designed for NiMH batteries to prevent damage and ensure efficient charging.
  • Smart Charger: These chargers automatically adjust the charging rate and stop charging when the battery is full, significantly reducing the risk of overcharging.

Steps to Charge a NiMH Battery

  1. Initial Preparation:
    1. Check the battery for any visible damage or corrosion. Do not charge if any defects are detected.
    2. Ensure the battery is at room temperature before charging.
  2. Setting Up the Charger:
    1. Connect your NiMH charger to a power source.
    2. Insert the batteries according to the indicated polarity directions.
  3. Charging Process:
    1. Initiate the charge. If your charger has multiple settings, choose the one specifically for NiMH batteries.
    2. Monitor the initial phase of the charging process to ensure the batteries are charging correctly without overheating.
  4. Completion of Charging:
    1. Smart chargers will automatically shut off once the batteries are fully charged. If using a basic charger, follow the manufacturer’s recommended charging time to avoid overcharging.
  5. After Charging:
    1. Once charged, remove the batteries from the charger.
    2. If the batteries are hot immediately after charging, allow them to cool before use.

Safety Tips for Charging NiMH Batteries

  • Do Not Overcharge: Overcharging NiMH batteries can lead to reduced battery life and potential leakage.
  • Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Charge and store batteries away from direct sunlight and high temperatures to prevent damage.
  • Regular Maintenance: Periodically fully discharge and recharge your batteries to maintain their capacity and longevity.

Benefits of Choosing Himax Electronics for NiMH Batteries

Himax Electronics stands out in the battery and charger market for several reasons:
  • Advanced Technology: Our chargers use the latest technology to ensure fast, efficient, and safe charging for NiMH batteries.
  • Quality Assurance: Products from Himax are rigorously tested to meet high standards of quality and safety.
  • Customer Support: We offer comprehensive customer support and expert advice to help you get the best performance from your batteries.

nimh rechargeable battery


Properly charging your Ni-Mh Battery is crucial for its longevity and effectiveness. By following the detailed steps provided and utilizing a high-quality charger, you can ensure that your batteries remain healthy and perform well. For top-tier charging solutions, consider Himax Electronics, where innovative technology and customer satisfaction are our top priorities.

Understanding NiMH Battery:

Comprehensive Guide

Nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries have been a staple in the rechargeable battery market for decades, known for their robust performance and environmental friendliness. Whether you’re using handheld devices, electric vehicles, or need reliable power for any number of applications, understanding NiMH technology can help you make informed decisions. This guide provides an in-depth look at NiMH batteries, from their basic chemistry and advantages to their common applications and why Himax Electronics is a trusted provider of these battery solutions.

What is a NiMH Battery?

A NiMH battery is a type of rechargeable battery that uses a hydrogen-absorbing alloy for the anode and nickel oxide hydroxide for the cathode. A key feature of NiMH batteries is their ability to offer higher energy density compared to older battery types like nickel-cadmium (NiCd).


Key Components of NiMH Batteries

  • Cathode: Composed of nickel oxide hydroxide, which acts as the positive electrode.
  • Anode: Made from a hydrogen-absorbing alloy, serving as the negative electrode.
  • Electrolyte: Typically potassium hydroxide (KOH), facilitating ion transfer between the cathode and anode.
  • Separator: A non-conductive film that prevents direct contact between the cathode and anode while allowing ion exchange.

How NiMH Batteries Work

NiMH batteries operate on the principle of rapid ion exchange:

  • Charging: During charging, electrical energy from the charger converts nickel oxide into nickel and the hydrogen-absorbing alloy forms a hydride.
  • Discharging: During use, the process reverses; nickel gives up its electrons, and the metal hydride releases hydrogen ions which recombine to form water, releasing electrical energy in the process.

Advantages of NiMH Batteries

  • Energy Density: NiMH batteries typically have a higher energy density than NiCd batteries, providing longer run times.
  • Environmental Impact: They are more environmentally friendly than NiCd batteries, as they do not contain toxic cadmium.
  • Reduced Memory Effect: While NiMH batteries can experience memory effect, it is less pronounced than in NiCd batteries, making them more suitable for a wide range of applications.
  • Versatility: NiMH batteries can be used in a wide array of devices, from small household items to larger automotive applications.

Applications of NiMH Batteries

  • Consumer Electronics: Ideal for digital cameras, portable audio players, and other portable gadgets due to their robust energy output.
  • Electric Vehicles: Used in some hybrid vehicles because of their good capacity and environmental safety.
  • Medical Devices: Reliable for medical devices that require consistent and safe battery performance.
  • Power Tools: Commonly used in cordless power tools for their ability to handle high drains with minimal performance loss.

Choosing Himax Electronics for NiMH Batteries

Opting for Himax Electronics for your NiMH battery needs offers numerous advantages:

  • High-Quality Products: We provide top-tier NiMH batteries that meet rigorous testing and quality standards.
  • Custom Solutions: Himax Electronics can tailor battery solutions to meet specific application needs, ensuring optimal performance and integration.
  • Sustainable Practices: We are committed to sustainable production practices, minimizing environmental impact while delivering high-performance products.
  • Expert Support: Our team offers expert advice and comprehensive support, helping you maximize the efficiency and lifespan of your NiMH batteries.


Nickel-metal hydride batteries offer a reliable and eco-friendly power solution for a wide array of applications. With their balance of capacity, durability, and environmental benefits, NiMH batteries continue to be a preferred choice for both consumers and industries. By choosing Himax Electronics, you gain access to superior battery technology backed by expert service and support, ensuring your energy solutions are effective, efficient, and environmentally responsible.


Compared with lithium batteries(Li-ion), nickel-metal hydride batteries(Ni-MH) are superior in terms of safety.

Mainly because the specific heat capacity and energy density of nickel-metal hydride batteries(Ni-MH)are relatively low, but the melting point is as high as 400°C. When the nickel metal hydride battery is subjected to collision, extrusion, puncture, short circuit, etc., the temperature of the battery will not rise sharply and cause spontaneous combustion.


After years of technological development, the mature manufacturing process and stable quality of nickel-metal hydride batteries have greatly improved the safety of the batteries.

In comparison, lithium batteries(Li-ion) are not as safe as nickel-metal hydride batteries, mainly because lithium ions(Li-ion) are more active and have higher energy density. At the same time, the raw materials of lithium batteries(Li-ion) are flammable. Once the battery is short-circuited due to various destructive factors and the temperature rises, the internal electrolyte will undergo a violent chemical reaction, which may cause the battery to spontaneously combust.

lithium 7.4V 8ah

As a professional battery pack manufacturer, HIMAX can not only provide high-quality nickel-metal hydride battery packs, but also provide customers with lithium-ion battery packs with reasonable design and higher safety.

For example, for lithium-ion batteries, we will equip them with PCB and BMS, and can also add additional protection if needed, such as NTC, PTC, etc.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact HIMAX.

HIMAX is a professional manufacturer of LiFePO4, Lithium-ion, Li-Polymer, Ni-MH battery packs with factory. After 12 years of continuous study and exploration, HIMAX has become a global-oriented multinational company integrating R&D and production, providing specialized and customized products.

1100mah 3.7v battery

Many electric vehicles are powered by lithium batterie that rely on cobalt—a scarce, expensive metal with high environmental and social costs. A team of researchers from Japanese and French universities has now developed a practical nickel-based electrode material that opens new avenues to cobalt-free batteries for electric vehicles.

The researchers detailed their findings in a study published in the journal Energy Storage Materials.

“There is an undeniable need for cobalt-free, high-energy electrode materials for lithium batterie,” said Naoaki Yabuuchi from Yokohama National University.

Lithium batterie can be recharged when lithium ions flow from a positively charged electrode to a negatively charged electrode. In most lithium batterie for portable electronics, the positive electrode contains lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2), a chemical compound that offers high stability and energy density.

However, the limited, fraught supply chain of cobalt creates a bottleneck for large-scale batteries, including the ones used in electric vehicles. In addition, cobalt extraction generates toxic waste that contaminates land, air, and water.

To address these issues, lithium nickel oxide (LiNiO2)—which is similar in structure to LiCoO2—often serves as a cobalt-free alternative for electrode material. However, key instability issues plague the compound, specifically a gradual loss of capacity at the high-voltage region, which is associated with nickel-ion migration.

To improve electrode reversibility, nickel ions have been partially substituted by other metal ions, including reintroduced cobalt ions as well as manganese, aluminum and magnesium, to create “nickel-enriched layered materials” to serve as positive electrode materials.

li-ion-14.8v-12ah-battery-lithium batterie

“So far, 10–20 percent cobalt ions were necessary for nickel-based electrode materials,” Yabuuchi said. This, according to Yabuuchi, is still too much, and a unified understanding of how metal substitution can improve the process has not yet been established.

To address this knowledge gap, Yabuuchi and collaborators dug deeper into the problematic phase transition. When lithium ions leave the cathode under the influence of an external field, nickel ions migrate to specific sites within the lithium layers. Although this process is reversible, the reversibility gradually degrades through continuous cycles until the capacity is completely lost—a phenomenon not seen in cobalt-ion migration.

Previous studies reported that tungsten doping in LiNiO2 is an efficient approach to suppressing the detrimental phase transitions at high-voltage regions. Yabuuchi and collaborators tested the hypothesis that heavy, expensive tungsten ions could be substituted with other elements, specifically phosphorous—a lighter, more abundant element.

After detailed analysis on LiNiO2 integrated with nanosized lithium phosphate (Li3PO4), the researchers observed that, under certain conditions, problematic nickel-ion migration was effectively suppressed due to repulsive electrostatic interaction from the extra nickel ions within the Li layers.

Moreover, from these findings, Li-deficient LiNiO2, Li0.975Ni1.025O2, with the extra nickel ions in Li layers, is also synthesized using a simple methodology without phosphorus integration. Results also showed how Li0.975Ni1.025O2 can effectively mitigate unfavorable nickel-ion migration, and deliver consistent reversibility without cobalt ions.

“These findings open a new direction to develop high performance and practical cobalt-free nickel-based electrode materials with an extremely simple and cost-effective methodology,” Yabuuchi said. “This material achieved the ultimate goal for high-performance nickel-based electrode materials.”

In future endeavors, the researchers plan to investigate the feasibility of a nickel-free material to support lithium-ion batteries.

More information: Itsuki Konuma et al, Unified understanding and mitigation of detrimental phase transition in cobalt-free LiNiO2, Energy Storage Materials (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.ensm.2024.103200

If you have any question, please feel free to contact us:

  • Name: Dawn Zeng (Director)
  • E-mail address:
Himax Solar Battery Application scenarios

Energy Storage Systems (ESS) is a technology utilized to capture, store, and release energy for future use. These systems find applications across various sectors including power networks, transportation, industrial production, and personal devices. Energy storage systems play a pivotal role in enhancing energy utilization efficiency, balancing energy supply and demand, facilitating the integration of renewable energy, and addressing fluctuating demands in power systems.

There is a diverse range of energy storage system types, which include:

Battery storage systems

Such as lithium-ion batteries, lead-acid batteries, sodium-sulfur batteries, etc., used for storing electrical energy, widely applied in electric vehicles, portable electronic devices, and home energy storage systems.

Mechanical energy storage systems

Such as pumped hydro storage, flywheels, etc., which convert electrical energy into mechanical energy stored within devices and then convert it back to electrical energy when needed.

Thermal energy storage systems

Including hot water tanks, molten salt storage systems, etc., which capture and store heat energy for energy storage purposes.

Gas storage systems

Like Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) systems, which convert electrical energy into compressed air stored underground or in pressure vessels, later used to generate electricity.

Chemical storage systems

Such as water electrolysis for hydrogen production, electrochemical energy storage, etc., which utilize chemical reactions for energy storage and release.

energy storage system images

In energy storage systems, 5V batteries have various applications depending on battery type, capacity, and design requirements.

Some potential applications include:

Portable electronic devices: 5V batteries can power portable electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, handheld gaming consoles, etc., which typically require stable power sources for normal operation.

Home energy storage systems: 5V batteries can be used in home energy storage systems, such as storage units for solar panels. By storing solar energy collected during the day, households can use electricity during nighttime or adverse weather conditions.

Wearable devices: 5V batteries can power various wearable devices like smartwatches, fitness trackers, etc., which usually require small, lightweight power sources.

Educational purposes: 5V batteries can be utilized in educational settings to demonstrate energy storage and conversion principles. Students can learn how batteries store and release energy by building simple circuits or small projects.

Emergency backup power: 5V batteries can serve as emergency backup power sources for critical equipment during emergency situations, such as emergency lighting, communication devices, etc.

When incorporating 5V batteries into energy storage systems, several key considerations must be taken into account:

Safety: Ensuring the safety of batteries during both charging and discharging processes is essential. This involves using appropriate chargers and discharge devices, avoiding overcharging, over-discharging, short circuits, etc., to prevent battery overheating, fires, or explosions.

Battery type selection: Different types of 5V batteries have different characteristics and applications. For instance, lithium-ion batteries are a common choice, but other battery types are also available. When selecting batteries, factors like capacity, cycle life, charge-discharge rates, etc., need to be considered to meet specific application requirements.

Management systems: For large-scale energy storage systems, effective Battery Management Systems (BMS) are required to monitor battery status, temperature, voltage, etc., and take necessary measures to protect batteries from damage.

Environmental adaptability: 5V batteries may perform differently under various environmental conditions. For example, temperature significantly affects battery performance, so working conditions at different temperatures need to be considered.

System design: System design should consider battery placement, connection methods, ventilation, cooling, etc., to ensure batteries operate safely, effectively, and are easy to maintain and manage.

Performance degradation: The performance of 5V batteries gradually declines with use and over time. When designing energy storage systems, battery life and performance degradation need to be considered to ensure the system maintains stable performance over the long term.

In conclusion, Energy Storage Systems (ESS) play a pivotal role in modern energy management, offering solutions for capturing, storing, and releasing energy across various sectors. For innovative energy storage solutions and consultation services tailored to your needs, pls contact us.