Industrial applications have unique power needs and the choice of battery is important. While consumer products demand high energy density to obtain slim and elegant designs, industry focuses on durability and reliability. Industrial batteries are commonly bulkier than those used in consumer products but achieve a longer service life.

Batteries are electro-chemical devices that convert higher-level active materials into an alternate state during discharge. The speed of such transaction determines the load characteristics of a battery. Also referred to as concentration polarization, the nickel and lithium-based batteries are superior to lead-based batteries in reaction speed. This attribute reflects in good load characteristics.

Discharge loads range from a low and steady current flow of a flashlight to intermittent high current bursts in a power tool, to sharp current pulses on digital communications equipment, laptops and cameras. In this paper we evaluate how the various battery chemistries perform in a given application.

What’s the best battery for video cameras?

Nickel-cadmium batteries continue to power a large percentage of professional cameras. This battery provided reliable service and performs well at low temperature. nickel-cadmium is one of the most enduring batteries in terms of service life but has only moderate energy density and needs a periodic full discharge.

The need for longer runtimes is causing a switch to nickel-metal-hydride. This battery offers up to 50% more energy than nickel-cadmium. However, the high current spikes drawn by digital cameras have a negative affect and the nickel-metal-hydride battery suffers from short service life.

There is a trend towards lithium-ion. Among rechargeables, this chemistry has the highest energy density and is lightweight. A steep price tag and the inability to provide high currents are negatives.

The 18650 cylindrical lithium-ion cell offers the most economical power source. “18” defines the cell’s diameter in millimeters and “650” the length. No other lithium-ion cell, including prismatic or polymer types, offers a similar low cost-per-watt ratio.

Over the years, several cell versions of 18650 cells with different Ah ratings have emerged, ranging from 1.8Ah to well above 2Ah. The cells with moderate capacities offer better temperature performance, enable higher currents and provide a longer service life than the souped up versions.

The typical 18650 for industrial use is rated at 2Ah at 3.60 volts. Four cells are connected in series to obtain the roughly 15 volts needed for the cameras. Paralleling the cells increases the current handling by about 2A per cell. Three cells in parallel would provide about 6A of continuous power. Four cells in series and three in parallel is a practical limit for the 18650 system.

Lithium-ion requires a protection circuit to provide safe operations under all circumstances. Each cell in series is protected against voltage peaks and dips. In addition, the protection circuit limits each cell to a current about 2A. Even if paralleled, the current of a lithium-ion pack is not high enough to drive digital cameras requiring 10 to 15A peak current. Tests conducted at Cadex Electronics have shown that the 18650 allows short current peaks above the 2A/cell limit. This would allow the use of lithium-ion on digital cameras, provided the current bursts are limited to only a few seconds.

What’s the best battery for still cameras?

The power requirement of a professional digital camera is sporadic in nature. Much battery power is needed to take snapshots, some with a powerful flash. To view the photo, the backlit color display draws additional power. Transmitting a high-resolution image over the air depletes another portion of the energy reserve.

Most non-professional cameras use a primary lithium battery. This battery type provides the highest energy density but cannot be recharged. This is a major drawback for professional use. Rechargeable batteries are the answer and lithium-ion fits the bill but faces similar challenges to the video cameras.

battery for still cameras

What is the best battery for medical devices?

One of the most energy-hungry portable medical devices is the heart defibrillator. The battery draws in excess of 10 amperes during preparation stages. Several shocks may be needed to get the patient’s heart going again. The battery must not hamper the best possible patient care.
battery for medical devices
Most defibrillators are powered by nickel-cadmium. nickel-metal-hydride is also being used but there is concern of short service life. In a recent study, however, it was observed that a defibrillator battery cycles far less than expected. Instead of the anticipated 200 cycles after two years of seemingly heavy use, less than 60 cycles had been delivered on the battery examined. ‘Smart’ battery technology makes such information possible. With fewer cycles needed, the switch to higher energy-dense batteries becomes a practical alternative.

Sealed lead-acid batteries are often used to power defibrillators intended for standby mode. Although bulky and heavy, the Lead-acid has a low self-discharge and can be kept in prolonged ready mode without the need to recharge. Lead-acid performs well on high current spurts. During the rest periods the battery disperses the depleted acid concentrations back into the electrode plate. Lead-acid would not be suitable for a sustained high load.

The medical industry is moving towards lithium-ion. The robust and economical 18650 cells make this possible. The short but high current spurts needed for defibrillators are still a challenge. Paralleling the cells and adding current-limiting circuits that allow short spikes of high current will help overcome this hurdle.

What is the best battery for power tools?

Power tools require up to 50 amperes of current and operate in an unfriendly environment. The tool must perform at sub zero temperatures and endure in high heat. The batteries must also withstand shock and vibration.

Most power tools are equipped with nickel-cadmium batteries. nickel-metal-hydride has been tried with limited success. Longevity is a problem but new designs have improved. lithium-ion is too delicate and could not provide the high amperage. Lead-acid is too bulky and lacks persistent power delivery. The power tool has simply no suitable alternatives to the rugged and hard-working nickel-cadmium.

In an attempt to pack more energy into power tools, the battery voltage is increased. Because of heavy current and application at low temperatures, cell matching is important. Cell matching becomes more critical as the number of cell connected in series increases. A weak cell holds less capacity and is discharged more quickly than the strong ones. This imbalance causes cell reversal on the weak cell if the battery is discharged at high current below 1V/cell. An electrical short occurs in the weak cell if exposed to reverse current and the pack needs to be replaced. The higher the battery voltage, the more likely will a weak cell get damaged.

Date:APRIL 22, 2019

Source:Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science

An artificial boron nitride (BN) film is chemically and mechanically robust against lithium. It electronically isolates lithium aluminum titanium phosphate (LATP) from lithium, but still provides stable ionic pathways when infiltrated by polyethylene oxide (PEO), and thus enables stable cycling. Credit: Qian Cheng/Columbia Engineering

The grand challenge to improve energy storage and increase battery life, while ensuring safe operation, is becoming evermore critical as we become increasingly reliant on this energy source for everything from portable devices to electric vehicles. A Columbia Engineering team led by Yuan Yang, assistant professor of materials science and engineering, announced today that they have developed a new method for safely prolonging battery life by inserting a nano-coating of boron nitride (BN) to stabilize solid electrolytes in lithium metal batteries. Their findings are outlined in a new study published by Joule.


While conventional lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries are currently widely used in daily life, they have low energy density, resulting in shorter battery life, and, because of the highly flammable liquid electrolyte inside them, they can short out and even catch fire. Energy density could be improved by using lithium metalto replace the graphite anode used in Li-ion batteries: lithium metal’s theoretical capacity for the amount of charge it can deliver is almost 10 times higher than that of graphite. But during lithium plating, dendrites often form and if they penetrate the membrane separator in the middle of the battery, they can create short-circuits, raising concerns about battery safety.

“We decided to focus on solid, ceramic electrolytes. They show great promise in improving both safety and energy density, as compared with conventional, flammable electrolytes in Li-ion batteries,” says Yang. “We are particularly interested in rechargeable solid-state lithium batteries because they are promising candidates for next-generation energy storage.”

Most solid electrolytes are ceramic, and therefore non-flammable, eliminating safety concerns. In addition, solid ceramic electrolytes have a high mechanical strength that can actually suppress lithium dendrite growth, making lithium metal a coating option for battery anodes. However, most solid electrolytes are unstable against Li—they can be easily corroded by lithium metal and cannot be used in batteries.

The left visual shows that a Lithium aluminum titanium phosphate (LATP) pellet that touches lithium metal will be immediately reduced. The severe side reaction between lithium and solid electrolyte will fail the battery in several cycles. The right shows that an artificial BN film is chemically and mechanically robust against lithium. It electronically isolates LATP from lithium, but still provides stable ionic pathways when infiltrated by polyethylene oxide (PEO), and thus enables stable cycling. Credit: Qian Cheng/Columbia Engineering


“Lithium metal is indispensable for enhancing energy density and so it’s critical that we be able to use it as the anode for solid electrolytes,” says Qian Cheng, the paper’s lead author and a postdoctoral research scientist in the department of applied physics and applied mathematics who works in Yang’s group. “To adapt these unstable solid electrolytes for real-life applications, we needed to develop a chemically and mechanically stable interface to protect these solid electrolytes against the lithium anode. It is essential that the interface not only be highly electronically insulating, but also ionically conducting in order to transport lithium ions. Plus, this interface has to be super-thin to avoid lowering the energy density of batteries.”


To address these challenges, the team worked with colleagues at Brookhaven National Lab and the City University of New York. They deposited 5~10 nm boron nitride (BN) nano-film as a protective layer to isolate the electrical contact between lithium metal and the ionic conductor (the solid electrolyte), along with a trace quantity of polymer or liquid electrolyte to infiltrate the electrode/electrolyte interface. They selected BN as a protective layer because it is chemically and mechanically stable with lithium metal, providing a high degree of electronic insulation. They designed the BN layer to have intrinsic defects, through which lithium ions can pass through, allowing it to serve as an excellent separator. In addition, BN can be readily prepared by chemical vapor deposition to form large-scale (~dm level), atomically thin scale (~nm level), and continuous films.

“While earlier studies used polymeric protection layers as thick as 200 μm, our BN protective film, at only 5~10 nm thick, is record-thin—at the limit of such protection layers—without lowering the energy density of batteries,” Cheng says. “It’s the perfect material to function as a barrier that prevents the invasion of lithium metal to solid electrolyte. Like a bullet-proof vest, we’ve developed a lithium-metal-proof ‘vest’ for unstable solid electrolytes and, with that innovation, achieved long cycling lifetime lithium metal batteries.”

The researchers are now extending their method to a broad range of unstable solid electrolytes and further optimize the interface. They expect to fabricate solid-state batteries with high performance and long-cycle lifetimes.

UN38.3 Battery

Anyone who has ever dealt with lithium batteries knows the demanding process for transportation. Lithium cells and batteries are classified as dangerous goods class 9 and thus are on a par with liquid nitrogen. The requirements for safe transport are correspondingly high.

Whether by rail, road or air, the eligibility of lithium cell or battery shipments is regulated by the transport test 38.3 of the United Nations. A shipment is only permitted if the following eight individual tests are passed.

UN38.3 Battery

1) Altitude Simulation

This test simulates the environmental conditions prevailing in the cargo hold of an aircraft at an altitude of up to 15,000 meters. The battery is exposed to an extremely low air pressure of 11.6 kilopascal for a total of six hours. The test is passed if:


the battery shows no loss of mass

the overpressure valve of the battery remains closed

the battery housing is free of cracks or leaks,

the voltage level of the battery differs from the initial value by a maximum of 10% after completion of the test.

2) Thermal Test

If the altitude simulation has been successfully completed, the next step is to check the behavior of the lithium battery in case of strong temperature fluctuations. This stresses the battery seals and internal electrical connections. The batteries are initially stored for at least six hours at a surrounding temperature of 72 degrees Celsius. The temperature is then lowered to -40 degrees Celsius for a further six hours. This test procedure, for which Jauch uses a specially designed thermal shock chamber, must be carried out over 10 complete cycles. Finally, the batteries are stored at room temperature for at least another twelve hours. The test is passed when all the criteria mentioned under 1) have been met.


3) Vibration Test

The third part of the UN 38.3 transport test puts the battery in a vibration generator, where the battery is subjected to frequencies between 7 and 200 Hertz. The test is designed for a total of three hours and simulates the typical jerking in the hold of a truck while driving. The criteria mentioned under 1) also apply in this case.


4) Impact Test

Just like the vibration test, the impact test also serves to prevent possible damage to the battery by rough transport. Depending on the size of the lithium battery, impacts of 150G/6mS or 50G/11mS affect the housing. Just as in the vibration test, the criteria listed under 1) apply here as well.


5) External Short Circuit Test

For this test, the battery is first heated from the outside to a temperature of 57 degrees Celsius before an external short-circuit is caused. As a result, the battery temperature rises, but must not exceed 170 degrees Celsius. Once the battery has cooled down to 57 degrees again, the short-circuit condition must remain for another 60 minutes. The test is only passed if neither flames, cracks nor other damage to the battery housing are detected for up to six hours afterwards.


6) Impact and Crush Test

This test is carried out at cell level and simulates external damage to the cells that can occur because of a strong impact, such as a traffic accident. For this purpose, depending on the cell type and shape, a stamp with a precisely defined size and press depth is pressed into the cells. Damaged in this way, an internal short-circuit can occur in the cell. The test is passed if, as with the external short-circuit test, the housing temperature does not exceed 170 degrees Celsius at any time and no signs of cracks or similar appear on the housing up to six hours after the test.


7) Overcharging Test

The UN 38.3 transport test prescribes an overcharge test for all rechargeable lithium batteries. For 24 hours, twice the maximum permissible charging current is applied to the battery. The battery must then be stored in a secure area for seven days. No damage may occur during this period for the battery to pass.


8) Fast Discharge Test

The final test is also carried out at cell level. The cell is subjected to a discharge current exceeding the permitted maximum. This procedure is repeated several times. As with overcharging, rapid discharge must not damage the battery in any way in order to successfully pass this test.


According to UN 38.3, a battery may not be shipped by rail, road or air until it has passed each of these eight test procedures.

By and large, lithium batteries bring a wide range of different benefits to the table that are difficult – if not impossible – to replicate in any other way. Also commonly referred to as lithium-metal batteries (due to the fact that they use lithium as an anode), they’re typically capable of offering a very high-charge density (read: longer lifespan) than other alternatives that are on the market today.

For that reason alone, lithium batteries have a wide range of applications in our daily lives, especially for those critical in nature that we tend not to spend too much time thinking about. Specialized types of lithium batteries are used in pacemakers and other implanted medical devices, for example, because they can often last 15 years (or longer) under the right circumstances. They’ve even started to replace traditional alkaline batteries in many everyday devices like clocks, digital cameras, watches, portable data assistants, and more, all thanks to that longer lifespan that minimizes the need to replace the battery over time.


Example of cylindrical lithium batteries.

Issues like mechanical vibrations, thermal cycling from charging and discharging, and the mechanical expansion of current conductors are all things that can affect a battery’s lifespan. Therefore, the design of these cylindrical units is intended to help mitigate risk from these and other factors as much as possible.


On the inside of a cylindrical battery, a series of cells are combined and operate in parallel to one another. This is done to help increase both the voltage and the overall capacity of the battery pack.


For these reasons, cylindrical batteries are usually the kind that are found in the aforementioned medical device systems. Smaller, more specially designed cylindrical cells are also commonly found in portable devices like laptop computers. Notably, Tesla also made headlines recently by selecting cylindrical lithium batteries to power its fleet of popular electric cars.


What Are Prismatic Lithium Batteries?

A prismatic lithium battery, on the other hand, features a cell that has been encased in either aluminum or steel, mainly for the purposes of increased stability. This, in turn, creates several key advantages right out of the gate. Because of this unique construction and makeup, prismatic lithium batteries tend to be very thin, very light and offer an effective use of space.

Example of prismatic lithium batteries.


Because the rectangular shape of your average prismatic Li battery offers far better layering than other options, they typically give engineers a higher level of flexibility when designing products that will one day feature prismatic batteries as power sources. Because of that, it should come as no surprise that prismatic batteries are typically found in smartphones, tablets, and similar types of electronic devices where mobility is a major priority.


Due to these properties, modern day prismatic batteries are also commonly used in larger critical applications like energy storage systems and in electric powertrains.


Cylindrical Versus Prismatic Batteries: Breaking Things Down

There’s a reason why cylindrical lithium batteries are the most commonly available (and used) type today. When compared to their prismatic counterparts, they can typically be produced much faster and with a lower cost-per-KWh (kilowatt hour) at the same time. The design itself better supports the types of automation processes that are commonplace in factories and in other manufacturing environments across the country, for example, which only aid in creating a better sense of product consistency and keeping those ultimate costs as low as possible.


One of the major reasons why prismatic cells have increased in popularity over the last few years, however, has to do with their large capacity. That, coupled with their naturally prismatic shape, make it very easy to connect four different cells together to help create something like a 12-volt battery pack.


The prismatic design does come with its own challenges, however, particularly as they relate to what happens if something goes wrong. If one cell in a prismatic battery goes bad for any reason, for example, the entire battery pack that it is a part of is essentially compromised. Because the cells in a cylindrical battery are combined in a series and in parallel, these are the types of problems that designers and other engineers don’t really have to worry about.


Because of the design of cylindrical Li batteries, they also tend to radiate heat (and thus control their own temperature) more easily than their prismatic counterparts. Because of the way that prismatic cells are all placed together, this certainly works to increase the capacity, but it also leaves room for a higher probability of design inconsistency and short circuiting. The larger size of the prismatic cell may also be attractive in certain situations, but it also minimizes the chances that such a battery could be used in a heavily automated environment. That larger cell size also creates perhaps the biggest disadvantage for prismatic batteries: the increased capacity makes it far more difficult for the battery management system to properly regulate heat and prevent the battery itself from overcharging.


As previously stated, the thin form factor of a prismatic battery leads to increased flexibility for product designers – this does, however, create a few disadvantages of its own. It is that very same design that ultimately makes prismatic batteries somewhat difficult and expensive to properly design and manufacturer, which are costs that are almost certainly passed along to consumers. That flexibility has also created a limited number of “standardized” cell sizes, which only adds to difficulty in that regard. This also contributes to a higher than average KWh price as well.


It’s important to note, however, that the topic of costs is also one that comes with a few important caveats. Experts agree that because prismatic cells can often be larger than their cylindrical counterparts and will thus cost more initially, they offer more opportunity for cost reduction in the long-term. Based on that, you may want to think about the cost factor in the following way: is it more important to save money now by going cylindrical, or can you depend on your ability to innovate and potentially save a larger amount of money over time? The answer to that question, of course, is one that only you can answer based on whatever it is you’re trying to do.


Maybe the biggest advantage of cylindrical batteries in most situations is that they are very safe. If the internal pressure of a cylindrical lithium battery grows too high, most of the cells are designed to rupture – thus mitigating safety risks from situations like a fire or an explosion.


In The End

None of this is to say that cylindrical lithium batteries are inherently “better” than their prismatic counterparts, or vice versa. As is often the case with these types of situations, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to battery selection. Much of your decision will ultimately come down to the eventual application and the amount of risks and potential disadvantages that you’re willing to accept as a result. There will be some situations where a prismatic battery absolutely makes the most sense. There will be situations where cylindrical batteries seem like the logical choice.


More often than not, choosing the right type of lithium battery to meet your needs will come down to three factors:


The amount of money you’re willing to pay, the effectiveness of the battery you’re trying to unlock, and the safety considerations given the application.

If space isn’t necessarily at a premium and you need to find a cost-effective way to guarantee both performance and longevity, cylindrical batteries offer what you need.

If cost isn’t a factor and you need as much power as possible in an already small space, prismatic is likely the direction you’ll want to head in.

Only by trying to learn as much about these options as possible will you be able to make the best decision given your needs in the moment. Ultimately, your ability to do that successfully is all that matters.

Written by Anton Beck
Posted on August 16, 2019 at 9:03 AM

 Within the context of a discussion about batteries, defining the term “state of charge” is simple. It’s a term that essentially refers to how “full” your battery is, at least in terms of its remaining energy. Compared to how much energy a battery can store at 100%, your current state of charge shows you how much is remaining, thus allowing you to predict when a recharge may be in order.

The larger implications of that term, however, are far less straightforward.

If you truly want to get the most out of your battery and make sure that it lasts as long as possible, there are a few key things about concepts like charge/discharge cycles, End of Life and more that you’ll definitely want to know more about.

Learn How To Expedite Your Battery Pack Design & Development

Charge And Discharge Cycles: Breaking Things Down

At its core, a “charge/discharge cycle” is exactly what it sounds like – a situation where the energy in a battery is discharged before subsequently being charged back up again.

It’s important to note that rarely does this ever mean taking a battery from 100% capacity to 0% and back again. Instead, most manufacturers use an 80% DoD (depth of discharge) formula for a battery’s overall rating. This means that roughly 80% of the available energy in a battery is delivered, while about 20% remains in reserve. Using this technique is an efficient way to increase a battery’s overall service life, prolonging its lifespan significantly in many applications.


The expected charge and discharge cycles for a battery depend less on the battery chemistry and more on the overall capacity of the battery itself. The only real difference has to do with when a full charge must be applied. For lead acid batteries, for example, a full charge should be applied every few weeks (or at least every few months) because a constant low charge will ultimately cause sulfation and damage the unit. With nickel-based batteries, a partial charge is totally acceptable. With lithium-ion batteries, a partial charge is actually better than a full charge because of the implications it brings with it for the long-term health of the battery.

End Of Life

The end of life for a battery is exactly that – the moment where the battery reaches the end of its usefulness and/or lifespan and can no longer operate at anywhere close to the peak capacity that you once enjoyed.

Generally speaking, end of life for a battery will be determined in one of three different ways depending on the product’s manufacturer.

Cycle life. This refers to the total number of times that a battery can be charged and discharged, as outlined above. Manufacturers will typically include the recommended cycle life on the product’s packaging or in other documentation available at the time of purchase.

Warrantied life. This will usually be outlined in a specific number of years, like any other product that you may have. A battery with a 10-year life under warranty is typically expected to reach true end of life by roughly that time.

Total energy throughput. This is the total amount of energy that will pass through the battery over the course of its lifespan and this will usually be measured in megawatt-hours.

Occasionally, manufacturers will reference end of life using a measurement called expected operational life. If this is present, it will usually be somewhat longer than the “warrantied life” measurement. At that point, your battery will no longer be covered under any type of manufacturer’s warranty, but it will still continue to function until about the time that the listed number of years have passed.

It’s important to note, however, that end of life does not mean that your battery will suddenly become useless after a certain amount of time has passed. Far from it. It simply describes the total amount of time that you can expect your battery to operate at peak performance.

For the sake of example, consider the battery in your smartphone, tablet, or other type of mobile device. When you charge your phone for the first time after buying it, 100% may get you approximately 10 hours of use before you must charge the battery back up again. Over time, that number will slowly decrease. You may notice that you only get nine hours out of 100% capacity, or eight-and-a-half, even though your general use and operational conditions haven’t changed.

Once that battery reaches true end of life, that number is going to start to rapidly drop. This is because 100% no longer represents the same amount of stored energy that it once did. You’ll still be able to use your battery, but there will come a day where it won’t be able to hold a charge at all, at which point it will likely have to be totally replaced.

Best Practices For Prolonging The Life Of Your Battery

Consumers can absolutely manage their batteries differently to obtain more life cycles from a battery. They just need to remember to follow a few key best practices over time.

For starters, you should always keep your battery at a moderate temperature whenever possible. Instances of extreme heat or extreme cold can cause the battery to expand or contract, both of which will cause long-term issues and could ultimately lead to problems like corrosion.

Along the same lines, always store your batteries in a cool place whenever you’re not using them. If you’re going to be storing a battery for an indefinite period, don’t allow its charge to deplete to zero. Instead, store your battery with a charge of about 50% for the best long-term results.

For certain types of batteries like lithium-ion, you should also avoid deep cycling; don’t let your battery drain down to 0% before you charge it back up again. Experts at Battery University agree that lithium-ion batteries tend to last the longest when they are operating between 30% and 80% charge as often as possible.

Finally, you should also do whatever you can to avoid abusing your battery over time. Batteries will always experience additional stress via harsh discharges and rapid charges. If you’re going to be using a battery with a particular application, make sure that the battery is optimized for the power and energy requirements you’re working with. If necessary, increase the size of your battery to combat this type of unnecessary stress.

When a lithium-ion battery in particular reaches its natural end of life, you should also make sure that you dispose of it properly. You can’t just throw them in the garbage. They are technically considered to be hazardous waste in this state. Instead, contact your local landfill to find a battery recycling drop-off location in your area.


There’s lots of press about how to conserve battery power, but not much about how to take care of your batteries. Here are a few things you can do to increase battery longevity.

In today’s mobile world, battery life is precious. If you don’t believe me, go to an airport and watch the road warriors. It can get downright nasty when two spot the only available outlet at the same time.

It doesn’t take long to learn what helps preserve the current charge on the battery. What’s not well known is how to care for the battery itself. That’s just as important. Doing so allows the battery to operate efficiently. Here are a few ways to keep your lithium-ion batteries healthy.

1: Keep your batteries at room temperature
That means between 20 and 25 degrees C. The worst thing that can happen to a lithium-ion battery is to have a full charge and be subjected to elevated temperatures. So don’t leave or charge your mobile device’s battery in your car if it’s hot out. Heat is by far the largest factor when it comes to reducing lithium-ion battery life.

2: Think about getting a high-capacity lithium-ion battery, rather than carrying a spare
Batteries deteriorate over time, whether they’re being used or not. So a spare battery won’t last much longer than the one in use. It’s important to remember the aging characteristic when purchasing batteries. Make sure to ask for ones with the most recent manufacturing date.

3: Allow partial discharges and avoid full ones (usually).
Unlike NiCad batteries, lithium-ion batteries do not have a charge memory. That means deep-discharge cycles are not required. In fact, it’s better for the battery to use partial-discharge cycles.

There is one exception. Battery experts suggest that after 30 charges, you should allow lithium-ion batteries to almost completely discharge. Continuous partial discharges create a condition called digital memory, decreasing the accuracy of the device’s power gauge. So let the battery discharge to the cut-off point and then recharge. The power gauge will be recalibrated.

4: Avoid completely discharging lithium-ion batteries
If a lithium-ion battery is discharged below 2.5 volts per cell, a safety circuit built into the battery opens and the battery appears to be dead. The original charger will be of no use. Only battery analyzers with the boost function have a chance of recharging the battery.

Also, for safety reasons, do not recharge deeply discharged lithium-ion batteries if they have been stored in that condition for several months.

5: For extended storage, discharge a lithium-ion battery to about 40 percent and store it in a cool place
I’ve always had an extra battery for my notebook, but it would never last as long as the original battery. I know now that it’s because I was storing the battery fully charged. That means oxidation of lithium-ion is at its highest rate. Storing lithium-ion batteries at 40 percent discharge and in the refrigerator (not freezer) is recommended

Final thoughts
Lithium-ion batteries are a huge improvement over previous types of batteries. Getting 500 charge/discharge cycles from a lithium-ion battery is not unheard of. Just follow the above guidelines.


Lithium Ion vs. Lithium Polymer Batteries – Which Is Better?

Lithium-ion or lithium-polymer? The (what seems like) endless debate on batteries in modern consumer electronics. Today, we’re going to talk about the differences between these battery types. While we may not be able to settle the score once and for all on which is better. we hope to give you the information you need to make the best possible choice!

What’s the Difference?
A lithium-ion battery is a rechargeable battery format that first grew in popularity thanks to their adoption by major electronics companies in the early 1990s. They are essentially a group of very rigid electricity generating compartments, which consists of three pieces: a positive electrode; a negative electrode; and an electrolyte, or liquid chemical compound between them. Most lithium-ion batteries, unlike more traditional ones, also include an electronic controller, which regulates power and discharge flows so your battery doesn’t overheat or explode.

The most significant difference between lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries is the chemical electrolyte between their positive and negative electrodes. In Li-Po batteries it isn’t a liquid. Instead, Li-Po technology uses one of three forms: a dry solid, which was largely phased out during the prototype years of lithium polymer batteries; a porous chemical compound; or, a gel-like electrolyte. The most popular among these is the last one, which is the type of battery you’ll find in newer laptop computers and electric cars. The catch is that plenty of companies are not actually selling you a true Li-Po battery, instead it’s a lithium-ion polymer battery, or a Li-ion in a more flexible casing.

Is One Better than the Other?
Both lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries have their pros and cons. Typically, the advantages of a lithium-ion is their high power density, lack of what’s called the memory effect (when batteries become harder to charge over time), and their significantly lower cost than lithium-polymer. In the words of Wired, “Lithium-ion batteries are incredibly efficient. They stuff freakish amounts of energy in a tiny package.” But, as anyone might have seen with the recent saga of a certain cellphone brand being banned from flights, lithium-ion batteries are inherently unstable, suffer from aging, and are potentially dangerous. If the barrier that separates the positive and negative electrode is ever breached, the chemical reaction can cause combustion (fire). As Li-ion batteries have become more popular in consumer electronics, businesses have tried to lower costs by cutting corners. While quality batteries are perfectly safe, you should always be careful when buying no-name brands.

Lithium-polymer batteries, on the other hand, are generally robust and flexible, especially when it comes to the size and shape of their build. They are also lightweight, have an extremely low profile, and have a lower chance of suffering from leaking electrolyte. But lithium-polymer batteries aren’t perfect either: they are significantly more costly to manufacture, and they do not they have the same energy density (amount of power that can be stored) nor lifespan as a lithium-ion.