Typical safety mechanism of the 18650 cell cap Demo picture

Batteries can release high energies and the safety requirements for nickel- and lithium-based batteries and cells for portable applications are harmonized under IEC 62133. The standard came into effect in 2012 to reduce the global risk in transporting, storing and operating batteries.


The most basic safety device in a battery is a fuse that opens on high current. Some fuses open permanently and render the battery useless; others are more forgiving and reset. Figure 1 illustrates the top of an 18650 cell for Li-ion with built-in safety features. The resistance of the positive thermal coefficient (PTC) (blue) is low during normal operation and increases when the temperature rises above a critical level to reduce current flow. The PTC is reversible and returns to high conductivity when the temperature normalizes.


The current interrupt device (CID) is a fuse-type device that cuts off the electrical circuit permanently when triggered by excessive cell pressure, high temperature, or high voltage, depending on design. In Figure 1, the CID operates by pressure. When the internal pressure increases to about 1,000kPa, the scored top disk (orange) breaks, separates from the metallic foil (brown) and disconnects the current flow. This also allows gas to vent.


The last safety device is the vent that releases gas during an anomaly and can be resealed. However, the pressure of a disintegrating cell can be so large that the gases are unable to escape in an orderly way and venting with flame occurs. In some cases the top of the cell escapes like a bullet from a shotgun. Similar to a nuclear meltdown that cannot be stopped once in progress; a Li-ion battery once in disintegration should be allowed to burn out in a safe place with ventilation.

Figure 1: Typical safety mechanism of the 18650 cell cap.
PTC (blue) increases resistance by heat to reduce electrical current. The effect is reversible.
CID consists of a top disk (orange) that breaks under pressure and permanently disconnects the current flow.
Source: CALCE (Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering)

Protection devices have a residual resistance that causes a slight decrease in overall performance due to a resistive voltage drop. Not all cells have built-in protections and the responsibility for safety in its absence falls to the Battery Management System (BMS).

Further layers of safeguards can include solid-state switches in a circuit that is attached to the battery pack to measure current and voltage and disconnect the circuit if the values are too high. Protection circuits for Li-ion packs are mandatory. (See BU-304b: Making Lithium-ion Safe.)

More information on why batteries fail, what the user can do when a battery overheats and simple guidelines using Lithium-ion Batteries are described in BU-304a: Safety Concerns with Li-ion.


Intrinsically Safe Batteries

Safety is vitally important when using electronic devices in hazardous areas. Intrinsic safety (IS) ensures harmless operation in areas where an electric spark could ignite flammable gas or dust. Hazardous areas include oil refineries, chemical plants, grain elevators and textile mills.

All electronic devices entering a hazardous area must be intrinsically safe. This includes two-way radios, mobile phones, laptops, cameras, flashlights, gas detectors, test devices and medical instruments, even when powered with primary AA and AAA cells. Intrinsically safe devices and batteries contain protection circuits that prevent excessive currents that could lead to high heat, sparks and explosion. The hazard levels are subdivided into these four disciplines.

1. Types of Hazardous Materials present

  • Class I        Flammable gases, vapors or liquids in petroleum refineries, utility gas plants
  • Class II       Combustible dust in grain elevators, coal preparations plants
  • Class III      Ignitable fibers and flyings in textile mills, wood processing creating sawdust, etc.

2. Likelihood of Hazardous Materials present

  • Division I        Hazardous materials can exist in ignitable concentrations
  • Division II       Hazardous materials will not likely exist in ignitable concentrations

3. Potency of Hazardous Material (Groups from A to G)

A hazardous material is given a designation of: Acetylene (A), hydrogen (B), ethylene (C), propane, gasoline, etc. (D), metal dust (E), coal dust  (F) and grain dust (G).

4. Temperature Codes (from T1 to T6)

The explosion danger of gases or combustible dust is affected by surface temperature. T1 is a hot 450ºC (842ºF); T6 is a moderate 85ºC (185ºF). All other temperatures fall in between.

Intrinsic safety requirements vary from country to country. North America has the Factory Mutual Research Corporation, Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and Canadian Standards Association (CSA); Europe has the ATEX directive; while other countries follow the IECEx standards. Many countries recognize harmonized IEC 60079.

Himax - What Is C-rate?

Observe how the charge and discharge rates are scaled and why it matters.

Charge and discharge rates of a battery are governed by C-rates. The capacity of a battery is commonly rated at 1C, meaning that a fully charged battery rated at 1Ah should provide 1A for one hour. The same battery discharging at 0.5C should provide 500mA for two hours, and at 2C it delivers 2A for 30 minutes. Losses at fast discharges reduce the discharge time and these losses also affect charge times.

A C-rate of 1C is also known as a one-hour discharge; 0.5C or C/2 is a two-hour discharge and 0.2C or C/5 is a 5-hour discharge. Some high-performance batteries can be charged and discharged above 1C with moderate stress. Table 1 illustrates typical times at various C-rates.

C-rate Time Table 1: C-rate and service times when charging and discharging batteries of 1Ah (1,000mAh)



5C 12 min
2C 30 min
1C 1h
0.5C or C/2 2h
0.2C or C/5 5h
0.1C or C/10 10h
0.05C or C/20 20h

The battery capacity, or the amount of energy a battery can hold, can be measured with a battery analyzer.  The analyzer discharges the battery at a calibrated current while measuring the time until the end-of-discharge voltage is reached. For lead acid, the end-of-discharge is typically 1.75V/cell, for NiCd/NiMH 1.0V/cell and for Li-ion 3.0V/cell. If a 1Ah battery provides 1A for one hour, an analyzer displaying the results in percentage of the nominal rating will show 100 percent. If the discharge lasts 30 minutes before reaching the end-of-discharge cut-off voltage, then the battery has a capacity of 50 percent. A new battery is sometimes overrated and can produce more than 100 percent capacity; others are underrated and never reach 100 percent, even after priming.

When discharging a battery with a battery analyzer capable of applying different C rates, a higher C rate will produce a lower capacity reading and vice versa. By discharging the 1Ah battery at the faster 2C-rate, or 2A, the battery should ideally deliver the full capacity in 30 minutes. The sum should be the same since the identical amount of energy is dispensed over a shorter time. In reality, internal losses turn some of the energy into heat and lower the resulting capacity to about 95 percent or less. Discharging the same battery at 0.5C, or 500mA over 2 hours, will likely increase the capacity to above 100 percent.

To obtain a reasonably good capacity reading, manufacturers commonly rate alkaline and lead acid batteries at a very low 0.05C, or a 20-hour discharge. Even at this slow discharge rate, lead acid seldom attains a 100 percent capacity as the batteries are overrated. Manufacturers provide capacity offsets to adjust for the discrepancies if discharged at a higher C rate than specified. Figure 2 illustrates the discharge times of a lead acid battery at various loads expressed in C-rate.

Typical discharge curves of lead acid as a function of C-rate
Figure 2: Typical discharge curves of lead acid as a function of C-rate.
Smaller batteries are rated at a 1C discharge rate. Due to sluggish behavior, lead acid is rated at 0.2C (5h) and 0.05C (20h).

While lead- and nickel-based batteries can be discharged at a high rate, the protection circuit prevents the Li-ion Energy Cell from discharging above 1C. The Power Cell with nickel, manganese and/or phosphate active material can tolerate discharge rates of up to 10C and the current threshold is set higher accordingly.

Himax - Battery-BMS

From: Jack Bayliss

You walk into work one morning and find out that a battery system isn’t working. What happens? How much time will you lose trying to fix it? Getting it back online will probably cost money, but how much?  

When it comes to battery malfunctions, that’s not even the worst-case scenario. What if damage to the battery system causes equipment damage further downstream or even creates a fire?

You consider eventualities like this whenever you integrate a new piece of machinery or develop a new work process, but have you gone through this process when integrating your battery system?  

In this article, we’ll take a look at circuit protection and why it’s so important for industrial batteries. We’ll analyze a few of the different options you have for battery protection systems and how each system can help you to avoid battery damage and dangerous accidents.  

Let’s start with the basics:


What Are Battery Protection Systems?

battery protection system is any device that safeguards against battery malfunctions. Some are only effective against basic issues like overcharge or short circuit, while others provide complex monitoring and balancing for an entire battery system. 

What Do They Protect Against?

To really understand why battery protection systems are so important, you need to know what can happen if they’re not in place: 

Short Circuits

These occur when a current takes a shortcut. Electricity always wants to go back to the ground as soon as possible, but a correctly functioning circuit keeps it on the proper track. If the wiring in the circuit malfunctions, the current can escape and go back to the ground another way. That way might involve going through your equipment or one of your workers.


When you put too much charge into a rechargeable battery, that extra energy becomes heat. The temperature of the battery can rise beyond safe limits and reduce the battery’s lifespan.

Over Discharge

Draining too much of the charge from a battery can damage it in several ways, including decreasing the capacity of the battery, causing it to require charging more often, and causing a short circuit within the battery. If a lithium-ion battery lacks a protection system, it is highly prone to these and other malfunctions related to over-discharge.


Too much current within the circuit can result from a number of malfunctions, including short circuits. If there is enough excess current, it can ignite components of the machinery and cause a fire.


How Do Battery Protection Systems Help?

Battery protection systems serve to keep the temperature and voltage balanced in your battery. Steady temperatures are critical for optimal battery life, which increases the safety of your operations and reduces your material costs. 

An effective battery protection system will measure the current and temperature in your battery and adjust the circuit to provide protection if levels become unsafe. The process typically involves a thermistor, a ceramic-type semiconductor that decreases in resistance when the temperature of the battery rises. When this happens, it indicates the need for control and simultaneously acts as a battery “first aid.” 

Thermistors work in conjunction with other safety mechanisms. Together, these systems provide the current and temperature control that a battery needs to stay operational. Let’s take a look at some of the most effective options:

Polymeric Positive Temperature Coefficients

The polymeric positive temperature coefficient, or PPTC, helps to balance the circuit against excess energy. Just like a standard fuse, it opens to create high resistance when there is too much current in the system. When the current decreases back to normal levels, it resets.  

Unlike some types of fuses, the PPTC resets itself so that you can still use the battery after the overcurrent is corrected. It simply serves to keep the battery functional until electricity resets back to normal levels.  

PPTCs are most commonly used for nickel batteries. They’re affordable, easy to install, and are compatible with most systems. 

Protection Circuit Modules

Protection circuit modules, or PCMs, protect against overcharge, over-discharge, and excessively fast discharge, all of which can cause an excess of current. In lithium batteries, the PCM usually protects against these situations using a metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor, or MOSFET.

The MOSFET alters the circuit’s conduction by switching cells on if the voltage falls too quickly or off if the voltage rises to unsafe levels. It keeps the battery running while helping to avoid damage, preserving battery life in the short and long term.  

Battery Management Systems

A battery management system, or BMS, is necessary when you need more precise control over multiple batteries. They provide all of the standard protection involved with simpler systems while monitoring individual cells and the system as a whole.

A BMS can do any of the following:

  • Preserve the life of the battery and keep it safe to use 
  • Report the state of the battery’s charge and capacity
  • Indicate when the battery is in need of replacement
  • Warn the user when the battery needs repair or when the voltage flow is too high 

The most important difference between a BMS and a simpler battery protection system is the ability of the BMS to monitor each cell as well as the full system.    

Individual cell monitoring is critical for battery health because systemwide malfunctions often show themselves at the individual cell level first. By monitoring the voltage in each cell and alerting the user to voltage overages or drops, a BMS can prompt repair of issues such as corrosion or dry-out before they do extensive damage.

In addition to monitoring, a BMS provides safety protection during key processes, including charging and discharging and disconnects the battery in case of failure or safety hazard. It integrates completely with the machine’s software system, allowing the user to get battery alerts as readily as texts or emails.

The Takeaway

Battery protection systems ensure the correct flow of voltage through your batteries, protecting your machinery as well as the health and safety of your personnel.

At Himax, we understand that battery protection is an essential safety function. We offer a variety of products to meet the needs of our industrial clients, and we take pride in our ability to help you select the right product for your business.

If you’re in need of a custom battery or battery charger, contact us today to get started.

Himax - 200ah-12v-Battery-Pack

As technology advances, portable energy solutions are becoming more available and more sophisticated. Highly specialized technologies call for highly specialized batteries.

Custom OEM batteries can help your business operate more efficiently and increase your profits. Himax has many years of experience in designing batteries for Lead-acid replacement, as well as in other industrial and commercial industries. Our custom battery solutions have the power to fulfill your mission-critical requirements and advance your company’s reputation.

How Custom OEM Batteries Benefit Your Brand

Precision Safety

High-quality custom batteries are specifically designed with your product’s application in mind. For instance, your product might be designed for operation in harsh, dirty, or dangerous conditions, in which case you need custom OEM batteries that can operate in rigorous environments for long periods of time. 

Whether it’s strong winds, high altitudes, varying humidity levels, extreme temperatures, or other challenging environmental conditions, you need a custom battery that will power through without failure or malfunction. An experienced company will design and develop custom batteries to suit your product and application while implementing safety features that protect your investment and your reputation.


Optimal Performance

When you use high-quality, custom OEM batteries, you enhance your product’s performance. Precisely engineered batteries not only minimize safety hazards to people and investments, but they also reduce wasted energy. This increased energy efficiency optimizes your product’s potential, which positions you ahead of the competition. 

Additionally, custom OEM batteries for drones and other high-tech applications can be used as primary power sources or as backup sources for protection in the case of a combustion engine failure or other critical issues. Many custom OEM batteries can also be used in hybrid fuel or battery systems, enhancing performance while providing flexibility.

Increased Endurance


The increased energy efficiency provided by custom OEM batteries also increases your product’s endurance. Drone batteries and other technical-use batteries have come a very long way in terms of longevity, but nothing improves endurance like a custom battery solution. When your product goes farther and lasts longer than the competition’s, it increases your brand’s credibility. That translates to boosted sales. 

Targeted Testing

High-quality, custom OEM batteries undergo rigorous, application-specific testing to guarantee their performance, durability, and strength when used in your product. You’ll want to know how your custom commercial or industrial battery performs while engaged in various applications and under specific conditions. 

Reputable and experienced companies ensure functionality by performing both routine and additional mechanical testing for custom battery designs. Routine tests include component inspection, in-process inspection, and final testing on the completed product. Additional tests should be performed according to your application’s requirements. Reputable companies maintain complete testing data records that can be supplied upon request. 

Direct Support & Transparency

Look for a portable energy solutions company that will provide direct and continual support for your custom OEM batteries. They should be well-staffed, with after-sales support to ensure that you always receive the answers you need, when you need them. 

For your custom OEM battery needs, you’ll want to partner with a company that has access to an extensive, highly vetted network with a strong global presence. Experienced and reputable companies are forthcoming about their supply chains and professional network, so be sure you ask the right questions.

Additionally, any company you partner with should be transparent concerning their security protocols, especially regarding their supply chains in Asian markets. Find out how they intend to keep your sensitive IP projects secure.

Himax Delivers Safe and Professional Custom Battery Solutions

At Himax, we value innovation and integrity. We partner with you to generate, design and implement custom battery solutions and custom charging solutions for your critical operations.

For over 15 years we’ve supplied the energy, aerospace, and automation industries with high-quality, reliable, custom OEM batteries. We’ll work closely with your design team to ensure timely delivery. We’re here to provide support throughout the process and after the sale. 

If you’d like to learn more about how our custom OEM batteries can benefit your product or company, please contact us today.

Himax - High-Energy-Density-Battery

The energy density of batteries can be displayed in two different ways: gravimetric energy density and volumetric energy density.

The gravimetric energy density is the measure of how much energy a battery contains in proportion to its weight. This measurement is typically presented in Watt-hours per kilogram (W-hr / kg). The volumetric energy density, on the other hand, is compared to its volume and is usually expressed in watt-hours per liter (W-hr / L). Generally, we refer to battery energy density as gravimetric ( weight ) energy density, and watt-hour is a measure of electrical energy, equivalent to one hour, one watt of consumption.

In contrast, the power density of a battery is a measure of how fast energy can be delivered, not how much stored energy is available. Energy density is often confused with power density, so it is important to understand the difference between the two.

Calculation formula

The energy density of a battery can be simply calculated using this formula: Nominal Battery Voltage (V) x Rated Battery Capacity (Ah) / Battery Weight (kg) = Specific Energy or Energy Density (Wh / kg).

LiCo and LiFePO4 Batteries’ energy density

Generally speaking, LiCo batteries have an energy density of 150-270 Wh/kg. Their cathode is made up of cobalt oxide and the typical carbon anode with a layered structure that moves lithium-ions from anode to the cathode and back. This battery is popular for its high energy density, and it’s typically used in consumer products such as cell phones and laptops.

LiFe batteries, on the other hand, have an energy density of 100-120 Wh/kg. Although this is lower than LiCo batteries, it is still considered higher in the rechargeable battery category. LiFe batteries use iron phosphate for the cathode and a graphite electrode combined with a metallic backing for the anode. They are ideal for heavy equipment and industrial applications because of their better ability to withstand high and low temperatures.


As far as the single-cell is concerned, the positive and negative materials and production process of the battery will affect the energy density, so it is necessary to develop more reasonable materials and better manufacturing technology to obtain a more efficient battery.

Electric Vehicles Battery

Source:Penn State

Electric Vehicles Battery

Californians do not purchase electric vehicles because they are cool, they buy EVs because they live in a warm climate. Conventional lithium-ion batteries cannot be rapidly charged at temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, but now a team of Penn State engineers has created a battery that can self-heat, allowing rapid charging regardless of the outside chill.

“Electric vehicles are popular on the west coast because the weather is conducive,” said Xiao-Guang Yang, assistant research professor in mechanical engineering, Penn State. “Once you move them to the east coast or Canada, then there is a tremendous issue. We demonstrated that the batteries can be rapidly charged independently of outside temperature.”

When owners can recharge car batteries in 15 minutes at a charging station, electric vehicle refueling becomes nearly equivalent to gasoline refueling in the time it takes. Assuming that charging stations are liberally placed, drivers can lose their “range anxiety” and drive long distances without worries.

Previously, the researchers developed a battery that could self-heat to avoid below-freezing power drain. Now, the same principle is being applied to batteries to allow 15-minute rapid charging at all temperatures, even as low as minus 45 degrees F.

The self-heating battery uses a thin nickel foil with one end attached to the negative terminal and the other extending outside the cell to create a third terminal. A temperature sensor attached to a switch causes electrons to flow through the nickel foil to complete the circuit when the temperature is below room temperature. This rapidly heats up the nickel foil through resistance heating and warms the inside of the battery. Once the battery’s internal temperature is above room temperature, the switch turns opens and the electric current flows into the battery to rapidly charge it. “One unique feature of our cell is that it will do the heating and then switch to charging automatically,” said Chao-Yang Wang, William E.

Diefenderfer Chair of mechanical engineering, professor of chemical engineering and professor of materials science and engineering, and director of the Electrochemical Engine Center. “Also, the stations already out there do not have to be changed. Control off heating and charging is within the battery, not the chargers.”

The researchers report the results of their prototype testing in this week’s edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. They found that their self-heating battery could withstand 4,500 cycles of 15-minute charging at 32 degrees F with only a 20-percent capacity loss. This provides approximately 280,000 miles of driving and a lifetime of 12.5 years, longer than most warranties.

A conventional battery tested under the same conditions lost 20-percent capacity in 50 charging cycles.

Lithium-ion batteries degrade when rapidly charged under 50 degrees F because, rather than the lithium ions smoothly integrating with the carbon anodes, the lithium deposits in spikes on the anode surface. This lithium plating reduces cell capacity, but also can cause electrical spikes and unsafe battery conditions. Currently, long, slow charging is the only way to avoid lithium plating under 50 degrees F.

Batteries heated above the lithium plating threshold, whether by ambient temperature or by internal heating, will not exhibit lithium plating and will not lose capacity.

“This ubiquitous fast-charging method will also allow manufacturers to use smaller batteries that are lighter and also safer in a vehicle,” said Wang.

High Voltage lifepo4 Battery

High Voltage Battery


An L-i-H-V battery is a type of Lithium battery that allows for a higher than normal voltage. The “HV” stands for “high voltage” and it has a higher energy density than standard LiPo batteries. Ordinary LiPo batteries have a nominal voltage of 3.7V and a fully charged voltage of 4.2V. LiFePO4 batteries have a nominal voltage of 3.2V and a fully charged voltage of 3.65V. Compared to these, LiHV batteries have a nominal voltage of 3.8V or 3.85V and can reach 4.35V or 4.4V on a full charge.

The characteristics of LiHV battery

With the increasing demand for lithium-ion batteries with higher capacities for electrical equipment, there is a growing expectation for increased energy density of lithium-ion batteries.

While high-voltage batteries have higher energy density and higher discharge platform, the safety performance is lower than that of ordinary batteries. At present, lithium cobalt oxide has been widely studied and applied as a high-voltage anode material. The structure is non-N-A-F-E-O-2 type, which is more suitable for lithium-ion insertion and ejection. The production process is simple, and the electrochemical performance is stable.

Based on the limited space and weight of the electrical power supply, the battery energy can be increased by increasing the battery voltage. For instance, increasing the operating voltage from 4.2v to 4.35v can increase the energy density of the battery up to 16%.




三个充满电的电池在4.2V,4.35V和4.4V时的容量差异。 从格雷普夫出发




市场上已经有许多配备了电池管理系统(BMS)的智能电池,可以让我们设置适当的截止电压进行充电,但是还有许多用于FPV 或 RC 车辆的电池 没有BMS,如果没有BMS,则还可以设置充电器的截止电压,以避免过度充电。


The voltage of HV battery

An L-i-H-V battery is a type of Lithium battery that allows for a higher than normal voltage. The “HV” stands for “high voltage” and it has a higher energy density than standard LiPo batteries. Ordinary LiPo batteries have a nominal voltage of 3.7V and a fully charged voltage of 4.2V. LiFePO4 batteries have a nominal voltage of 3.2V and a fully charged voltage of 3.65V. Compared to these, LiHV batteries have a nominal voltage of 3.8V or 3.85V and can reach 4.35V or 4.4V on a full charge.


The characteristics of HV battery

With the increasing demand for lithium-ion batteries with higher capacities for electrical equipment, there is a growing expectation for the increased energy density of lithium-ion batteries.

While high-voltage batteries have higher energy density and higher discharge platform, the safety performance is lower than that of ordinary batteries. At present, lithium cobalt oxide has been widely studied and applied as a high-voltage anode material. The structure is non-N-A-F-E-O-2 type, which is more suitable for lithium-ion insertion and ejection. The production process is simple, and the electrochemical performance is stable.

Based on the limited space and weight of the electrical power supply, the battery energy can be increased by increasing the battery voltage. For instance, increasing the operating voltage from 4.2v to 4.35v can increase the energy density of the battery up to 16%.

In terms of the discharge rate of high-voltage batteries and ordinary batteries, high-voltage batteries have higher discharge rates and stronger power. Therefore, high-voltage batteries are more suitable for products and equipment that require high-rate discharge.


The following graph reflects the difference in capacity between the three fully charged batteries at 4.2V, 4.35V and 4.4V.

the difference in capacity between three fully-charged batteries at 4.2V, 4.35V, and 4.4V. From Grepow

From these three curves, you can see that LiHV batteries can release more capacity than ordinary LiPo batteries, thus providing your device with longer duration.

Charging tips

It is worth noting that you need to know the maximum charging voltage of the battery in advance to prevent overcharging. This is because the oxygen and electrolytes released during overcharging may cause changes in the structure of the cathode material, resulting in capacity loss or violent chemical reactions that reduce the life and performance of the battery. In severe cases, an explosion or fire may occur.

There are already many smart batteries on the market that are equipped with a Battery Management System (BMS) that allows us to set the proper cut-off voltage for charging, but there are also many batteries for FPV or RC vehicles that do not have a BMS, and if there is no BMS, you can also set the cut-off voltage on the charger to avoid overcharging.

Himax - Camping-Trips

10 Tips For More Eco-Friendly Outdoor Adventures & Camping Trips

Posted March 31, 2021

The percentage of people that enjoy camping three or more times each year has increased 72% since 2014, according to a recent report, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated international travel restrictions. Between the rapid increase in outdoor recreation and the rise of climate change, it’s more important now than ever to ensure the environment is protected during outdoor adventures in line with the U.S. Forest Service’s Tread Lightly principles.

Although our safe, most environmentally benign lithium iron phosphate energy storage systems help to reduce carbon emissions, especially when used in wind and solar power systems, we believe it’s essential to challenge our limits to further mitigate any additional harmful effects on the environment. Through our Limitless Blue initiative, we are committed to giving 1% of our net revenue annually to fund eco-friendly, earth-conscious causes and organizations around the globe. We also stand by, and recommend, the following tips when it comes to adventuring sustainably:

1. Use environmentally friendly transportation

Did you know that cars and trucks account for nearly one-fifth of all U.S emissions, emitting around 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other global-warming gases for every gallon of gas? This is part of why we recommend taking a look at your mode of transportation to see how you can possibly cut down on your transport emissions before your next camping trip, fishing trip, or other outdoor adventure. Consider choosing a trip location that you can walk or cycle to or else look into public transportation options. If this isn’t possible, then try to carpool to minimize your emissions.

2. Bring DIY, organic snacks and meals instead of single-use food items

When planning snacks and meals for your next outdoor adventure, think carefully about how you can reduce waste. For example, buy in bulk, get creative and try making your own meals to decrease unnecessary packaging waste. You can also use reusable containers or beeswax wraps instead of plastic bags to transport the food. Additionally, try to only purchase organic food, as traditional agriculture uses synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides that can damage the environment, unlike organic agriculture.

3. Pack eco-friendly sunscreens, insect repellents and ointments

In order to avoid polluting lakes, ponds and rivers, leave water-soluble products at home. Also, if insecticides like permethrin (bug repellent) seep into natural water sources, they can be toxic to aquatic life. Protecting your skin is important, but so is protecting wildlife and natural sites so that they can be enjoyed by generations to come.

Gypsy 20

4. Use rechargeable batteries and products powered by the sun

Instead of relying on noisy, polluting diesel generators or batteries which cannot be recharged, look into using rechargeable, safe batteries that are powered by solar energy. Whether this means switching out the system that powers your van, overland vehicle, RV, or campervan, or something as simple as choosing to use a solar-powered lantern or phone charger, endless options are available for reducing waste and pollution on your next trip.

5. Bring used equipment or rent or repair old equipment

Before you buy a new piece of gear, try repairing old gear, renting gear, or buying used gear. The longer you can keep using a product, the less negative impact new products have on our environment. This will also likely save you money when preparing for your next adventure.

6. Take reusable bottles or water storage tanks

Although it can be convenient to fall into the habit of buying disposable plastic water bottles, with a bit of planning, you will never have to do that again. Bladders and reusable bottles are not only eco-friendly but also very easy to hike with. Water tanks or water storage bags are also great for front-country use.

7. Stick to designated trails and camping spots and avoid sensitive areas

Even though it can seem liberating and adventurous to occasionally wander off beaten paths, it can cause massive erosion, destroy delicate vegetation, and impede future vegetation growth. As best you can, try to avoid damaging surrounding foliage and always aim to set up camp at durable sites that have already been traversed by previous campers.

jarrod tocci

8. Wash 200 feet away from streams and lakes and scatter greywater

The U.S. Forest Service’s Tread Lightly program recommends washing 200 feet away from streams and lakes and scattering greywater so it filters through the soil. Be aware that most detergents, toothpaste, and soap can easily harm fish and can be extremely toxic to aquatic life. If possible, try to only buy eco-friendly and biodegradable soap and toothpaste to mitigate your impact on the environment.

9. Practice fire safety while also reducing firewood use

Beyond increasingly common wildfire risks in light of climate change, campfires are also a source of air pollution. Burning wood releases a surprisingly large number of compounds, including nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, benzene, and many other potentially toxic volatile organic compounds. Aim to keep your fire smaller, limited in duration, and protected from the wind so as to minimize the amount of firewood needed and air pollution emitted.

10. Leave no trace and separate out trash, compost and recycling

It’s always important to remember to pack it in and pack it out and aim to leave a campsite better than you found it. Challenge your limits and do your part by making sure to also separate out trash from compost from recycling and using biodegradable bags where possible.

Himax - Solar Will Be Cheapest
by Emma Foehringer Merchant
February 02, 2021

With President Joe Biden in the White House, ink drying on a spate of new climate-focused executive orders and an extension of the federal Investment Tax Credit on the books, the immediate future looks relatively rosy for solar.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration anticipates that renewables will be the fastest-growing source of electricity through midcentury. While solar accounted for about 15 percent of renewable electricity generation in the U.S. in 2020, according to EIA, that will increase to nearly 50 percent by 2050. And solar will be the cheapest form of electricity across the United States by 2030, according to a recently released Wood Mackenzie report. The consultancy expects solar costs to decline 15 to 25 percent over the next ten years.

In a recent series for Squared, I cataloged some of the technological innovations that could define the next decade for solar. Here, I’ll dig into the macro trends Wood Mackenzie analysts expect to drive the resource’s next decade.

Costs will continue falling through 2030

In 2011, the Department of Energy launched its SunShot initiative, modeled after the moonshot effort of the mid-twentieth century, to “reduce the costs of solar energy and reestablish U.S. global leadership” in solar. A decade later, the U.S. has accomplished at least one of those goals; three years before DOE had targeted, SunShot successfully lowered utility-scale solar prices to its goal of $1 per watt.

Cost declines have been the most integral tool in allowing large-scale solar to grow. Worldwide, solar system prices fell by more than 80 percent from 2000 to 2010, according to WoodMac’s analysis.

Meanwhile, installations grew.

Although SunShot floundered under President Trump, prices kept falling in the U.S. Overall, prices for the engineering, procurement and construction of large-scale solar systems fell by more than 30 percent during Trump’s presidency, according to WoodMac.

That happened amid uncertain policy; the Biden administration’s support should provide more stability to the industry. WoodMac expects that costs will continue dropping. Solar is already competitive in a swath of the West and much of the Southeast. That trend will make its way into more of the Northeast by 2021 and the Mountain West by 2022. It will come for the frigid northern Midwest by mid-decade.

By 2030, solar will be the lowest-cost source of generation across the entire U.S.

Corporate purchases

Solar power’s downward price trajectory has caught the eye of corporate buyers. That’s a big market for renewables: Commercial and industrial electricity consumption accounted for more than 60 percent of electricity sales in 2019. And large companies have already become some of the most significant buyers of renewable electricity. In Q4 of 2020, these buyers accounted for 20 percent of the contracted pipeline for large-scale solar. In 2019, commercial solar installations grew 10 percent over the previous year, according to tracking from the Solar Energy Industries Association.

Analysts expect continued declines in the levelized cost of solar energy to strengthen that demand, which in turn has significant potential to reshape energy markets. After signing onto a growing slate of contracts tied to renewables projects, many companies are now looking for even more control of their electricity supply. A recent statement spearheaded by the Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance, a group with members including Facebook and General Motors, lays out the energy policies corporations hope to see advanced under the Biden-Harris administration. Their asks include expanding wholesale electricity markets to smooth the trading of electrons across regions. Some companies, such as Google, have already joined regional transmission organizations to gain more leverage in determining how those markets function.

The ability for solar to compete on price alone means that more merchant-centric projects could also be on the horizon, according to WoodMac. Most solar projects in the United States have relied on long-term, contracted revenue streams that last for at least a couple of decades. But as investors have become increasingly comfortable — perhaps too comfortable, some might say — with the structure of solar deals and the returns associated with the projects, shorter contracts have become more common.

“There’s definitely a lot of buzz in the market about the prospects of having merchant-based projects. But in the truest sense of the word, I don’t think there is a single [merchant solar] project yet,” said Ravi Manghani, WoodMac’s head of solar research. “Developers would need to come up with the right sort of hedging tools, whether these are physical tools like potentially storage, or financial tools, like hedges or insurance products. Those will have to become more commonplace as these projects start to be truly merchant.”

The role of storage and transmission

Cost declines have helped solar gain momentum. But overall, solar provided only about 2 percent of U.S. electricity in 2019. And if the resource is to grow significantly enough to meet clean energy mandates and climate goals set out by states and countries, it needs more support.

Energy storage is already being added to more utility-scale projects, and more projects are being designed to allow for its later addition, to help extend the hours in which solar projects can deliver electricity. Developers and asset owners such as Capital Dynamics have said storage is a consideration, if not the default, for every project.

“In the long run, as solar washes over the United States, storage follows along behind,” John Breckenridge, Capital Dynamics’ head of clean energy infrastructure, told Greentech Media this fall.

While storage will help balance uneven solar production, transmission is needed to carry it from where it’s most cost-effectively generated to where it’s most in demand.

Lack of transmission capacity has major potential to constrain solar growth, stymieing decarbonization efforts like those set out by the Biden-Harris administration. Already, experts and wonks are asking the new administration to confront that challenge. Clean energy groups supported by numerous past members of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission highlighted that need in a report released this week.

“There is no climate plan that is serious if it does not anticipate a significant regional transmission upgrade,” said Pat Wood III, who served as FERC chair from 2001 to 2005, in an event spotlighting the report.

The administration appears to be paying attention to these issues already. An order President Biden signed this week urges the acceleration of federal permitting for transmission. And in a Wednesday Senate hearing on her nomination to head the Department of Energy, former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm named building out transmission to transport clean electricity as a “high priority” if she is confirmed.

“I’m very eager to work with FERC to get transmission lines established ASAP,” Granholm said Wednesday. “I feel like this is a conversation that’s been had for years, about having the right transmission lines in place to take power…(clean power especially) from places that are generating to the power and load centers.”

Aside from storage and transmission, which will make solar easier to use in more places and at more times of day, solar itself is becoming more efficient.

Bifacial solar, which allows for the absorption of sunlight on both sides of a panel, is perhaps the most significant solar technology improvement in recent years, or at least the one to become most mainstream. It’s already the default choice for numerous developers in the U.S.

The Section 201 exclusion that bifacial solar enjoyed for a time aided that development, though the exclusion was ultimately reversed by the Trump administration (solar groups are challenging the verdict).

Despite the policy confusion surrounding tariffs, analysts at Wood Mackenzie name bifacial among just a few technological innovations that are likely to boost solar production and help cut costs in the coming years. (Others are larger panels and wafer sizes, as I cover here, as well as improvements in solar trackers). Commercial bifacial solar modules offer production gains of 7 to 8 percent while costing not much more than single-sided panels. Analysts expect “the next decade will be marked by steady technological improvement along the entire solar value chain.”

“Every little improvement in generation or production means the capacity factor continues to go up, and that has direct implications in terms of the levelized cost,” said WoodMac’s Manghani.