Connecting LiFePO4 battery in parallel is when you connect two or more batteries together to increase the amp-hour capacity. With a parallel battery connection the capacity will increase, however the battery voltage will remain the same.

For example, if you connect four 12V 100Ah batteries in parallel, you would get a 12V 400Ah LiFePO4 battery system.

When connecting batteries in parallel, the negative terminal of one battery is connected to the negative terminal of the next and so on through the string of batteries. The same is done with positive terminals.

Batteries connected in parallel must be of the same voltage, i.e. a 12V battery can not be connected in parallel with a 6V battery. It is best to also use batteries of the same capacity when using parallel connections.

Connecting batteries in series is when you connect two or more batteries together to increase the battery systems overall voltage, connecting batteries in series does not increase the capacity only the voltage.

For example if you connect four 12V 200Ah batteries you will have a battery voltage of 48V and battery capacity of 200Ah.

To connect a group of batteries in series you connect the negative terminal of one battery to the positive terminal of another and so on until all batteries are connected. You would then connect a link/cable to the negative terminal of the first battery in your string of batteries to your application, then another cable to the positive terminal of the last battery in your string to your application.

To configure batteries with a series connection each battery must have the same voltage and capacity rating, or you can potentially damage the batteries. For example you can connect two 6Volt 10Ah batteries together in series but you cannot connect one 6V 10Ah battery with one 12V 20Ah battery.


Connecting two 12-volt batteries in series is a useful method to double the voltage to 24 volts while maintaining the same amp-hour capacity. This setup is particularly beneficial in applications that require higher voltage, such as in RVs, solar energy systems, or for powering larger electrical motors. This guide will walk you through the process of connecting two 12-volt batteries in series, ensuring safety and efficiency.
12v lifepo4 battery series

Understanding Series Connection

When you connect batteries in series, the voltage of the batteries adds together, but the capacity (amp-hour, Ah) remains the same as one battery. This configuration is ideal when the requirement is for higher voltage rather than increased capacity.

Benefits of a Series Connection

  • Increased Voltage: Series connections are perfect for applications requiring higher voltage for operation.
  • Simplicity: Connecting batteries in series is relatively straightforward and doesn’t require complex wiring.
  • Compatibility: It allows for the use of standard
  •  to achieve 24 volts, which can be more cost-effective than purchasing a single higher-voltage battery.

Tools and Materials Needed

  • Two identical 12-volt batteries
  • High-quality battery cables
  • Wire connectors
  • Wrenches
  • Protective gloves and goggles

Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting Batteries in Series

  1. Preparation:
    1. Ensure both batteries are the same type, capacity, and ideally, have similar age and usage history. This uniformity helps to prevent issues like imbalanced charging.
  2. Safety First:
    1. Always wear protective gloves and goggles when working with batteries. Ensure all tools and the surrounding area are dry to prevent any short circuits.
  3. Position the Batteries:
    1. Place the batteries close to each other so you can easily access the terminals.
  4. Connecting the Batteries:
    1. Connect the positive terminal of the first battery to the negative terminal of the second battery using a suitable battery cable. This is the only connection that should cross between the batteries.
    2. The free negative terminal on the first battery will be where the system’s negative or ground wire is connected.
    3. The free positive terminal on the second battery will serve as a positive connection to your application.
  5. Securing the Connections:
    1. Ensure all connections are tight and secure. Use wrenches to tighten the connectors to avoid any loose connections, which can lead to a drop in efficiency or safety hazards.
  6. Final Setup Check:
    1. Double-check all connections for correctness. Make sure that the series setup does not have any short circuits or loose connections.
  7. Test the System:
    1. Use a multimeter to check the total voltage across the free positive and negative terminals. You should see a reading close to 24 volts, indicating a successful series connection.

Tips for Maintenance and Troubleshooting

  • Regularly Check Connections: Inspect the connections periodically for corrosion or loosening and clean them as necessary.
  • Monitor Battery Health: Keep an eye on the charging and discharging behavior. If one battery starts to fail, it can affect the overall system performance.
  • Balanced Charging: Whenever possible, charge the batteries individually with a 12-volt charger to maintain balance and prolong their lifespan.

Why Choose Himax Electronics?

Opting for Himax Electronics for your battery solutions offers several benefits:
  • Quality Assurance: Himax Electronics provides high-quality batteries and accessories that meet rigorous standards, ensuring reliability and performance.
  • Expert Support: Our team offers expert advice and support, helping you choose the right setup and maintain it effectively.
  • Innovative Solutions: We stay at the forefront of battery technology, offering products that meet the latest demands for efficiency and sustainability.

lithium battery-connection-tool


Connecting two 12-volt batteries in series is a practical and efficient way to increase voltage for various applications. By following the detailed steps outlined in this guide and adhering to safety protocols, you can successfully enhance your system’s voltage capability. For any battery needs or further assistance, consider Himax Electronics, where quality and customer satisfaction are our top priorities.

How to Successfully Charge Two 12 Volt Batteries in Parallel

Connecting and charging two 12-volt batteries in parallel is a practical solution for many who require extended battery life and increased capacity without altering the voltage. This setup is ideal for applications such as RVs, marine vehicles, and solar power systems, where maintaining a constant voltage while doubling the capacity is essential. This guide provides a step-by-step approach to safely charge two 12-volt batteries in parallel and highlights the benefits of choosing Himax Electronics for your battery needs.

Understanding Parallel Charging

Parallel charging involves connecting two batteries together so that their capacities add up, but the voltage remains the same. Here’s why and how this is beneficial:

  • Increased Capacity: By connecting two batteries in parallel, you effectively double the amp-hour (Ah) capacity, allowing your system to run longer between charges.
  • Redundancy: This setup provides a backup; if one battery fails, the system can still operate on the other battery.
  • Uniform Voltage: The voltage remains consistent with a single battery, ensuring that devices or applications connected to the battery bank operate within their voltage specifications.

Tools and Materials Needed

To connect and charge your batteries successfully, you’ll need:

  • Two identical 12-volt batteries
  • High-quality battery cables
  • Suitable connectors for secure connections
  • A wrench set for tightening connections
  • A reliable battery charger compatible with your battery type

Step-by-Step Guide to Charging in Parallel

  1. Prepare the Batteries:
  • Ensure both batteries have similar capacities, states of charge, and are of the same type. This uniformity is critical to prevent imbalances that can lead to undercharging or overcharging.
  1. Connecting the Batteries:
  • Connect the positive terminal of the first battery to the positive terminal of the second battery using a high-quality cable.
  • Connect the negative terminal of the first battery to the negative terminal of the second battery using another cable.
  • Secure all connections tightly to ensure there is no loose contact, which can lead to sparks or poor charging.
  1. Attach the Charger:
  • Connect the charger’s positive lead to the positive terminal of one of the batteries.
  • Connect the charger’s negative lead to the negative terminal of the other battery.
  • Ensure the charger is appropriate for the combined capacity of the batteries.
  1. Begin the Charging Process:
  • Turn on the charger once all connections have been checked and secured.
  • Monitor the charging process closely, especially if it’s the first time you are charging these batteries in parallel.
  1. Monitoring and Maintenance:
  • Regularly check the voltage of each battery using a multimeter to ensure they are charging evenly.
  • Inspect the battery terminals and cables periodically for signs of corrosion or damage, which could affect performance.

Safety Tips

  • Always wear protective gear, such as gloves and safety glasses, when working with batteries.
  • Ensure the area is well-ventilated, particularly when charging lead-acid batteries.
  • Never leave the charging process unattended for extended periods, especially in new setups.

Why Choose Himax Electronics?

Opting for Himax Electronics for your battery and accessory needs brings several key advantages:

  • Reliability and Efficiency: Himax Electronics offers products that are tested for reliability and efficiency, ensuring that your battery setup performs optimally under various conditions.
  • Expert Advice: With years of experience in the battery industry, our experts can provide tailored advice on battery selection, charging strategies, and maintenance practices.
  • Quality Customer Service: We pride ourselves on exceptional customer service, offering support and guidance through every step of your battery setup and maintenance process.


Charging two 12-volt batteries in parallel is an excellent way to increase the capacity and reliability of your power supply without upgrading to a higher voltage system. By following the detailed steps provided and adhering to safety protocols, you can ensure a successful setup that meets your energy needs. For all your battery needs, consider Himax Electronics, where innovation meets quality and customer satisfaction is a priority.

In many applications—from recreational vehicles to solar power systems—it’s often necessary to increase electrical capacity or voltage beyond what a single 12-volt battery can provide. Wiring two 12-volt batteries together is a practical solution, whether you’re aiming to double the battery capacity while maintaining the same voltage (parallel connection) or increase the voltage to 24 volts while maintaining the same capacity (series connection). This guide provides detailed instructions on how to achieve both, ensuring safety and efficiency in your setup.

Understanding Battery Configurations

  1. Parallel Connection: Links batteries to increase capacity (amp-hours, Ah) while the voltage remains the same.
  2. Series Connection: Increases voltage while keeping capacity constant.

Tools and Equipment Needed

  • Two identical 12-volt batteries
  • High-quality battery cables
  • Cable connectors
  • Wrenches
  • Protective gear (gloves, goggles)
  • Wire brush (for cleaning terminals)

Step-by-Step Guide to Wiring in Parallel

Objective: To double the capacity (Ah) while maintaining the voltage at 12 volts.

  1. Prepare the Area: Ensure the area is clean and dry. Lay out your tools and batteries for easy access.
  2. Install Cables: Attach a battery cable from the positive terminal of the first battery to the positive terminal of the second battery. Repeat this with the negative terminals.
  3. Secure Connections: Use wrenches to tighten the cable connectors. Ensure there is a good contact to prevent potential electrical resistance.
  4. Final Inspection: Double-check all connections for tightness and correct alignment. Ensure no tools or metal objects are left that could create a short circuit.

Step-by-Step Guide to Wiring in Series

Objective: To increase the system voltage to 24 volts while maintaining the capacity.

  1. Setup: Position the batteries close to each other for a clean setup.
  2. Connect in Series: Attach a battery cable from the positive terminal of the first battery to the negative terminal of the second battery. The free negative terminal of the first battery and the free positive terminal of the second battery will now act as the output terminals of your 24-volt battery system.
  3. Secure and Inspect: Tighten all connections securely and inspect the setup for any potential issues like loose cables or misalignments.

Safety Precautions

  • Always wear protective gear when working with batteries.
  • Ensure that all metal tools and objects are away from the battery terminals to avoid shorts.
  • Work in a ventilated area, especially when handling lead-acid batteries.

Testing Your Setup

Once your batteries are connected, it’s essential to test the setup with a multimeter to ensure correct voltage and polarity. This step is crucial to avoid damage to electrical components powered by the batteries.

Maintenance Tips

  • Regularly check and clean battery terminals to prevent corrosion.
  • Ensure connections remain tight and cables are undamaged.
  • Monitor battery voltage and health periodically to maintain performance.

Why Choose Himax Electronics?

Opting for Himax Electronics when setting up your battery systems offers numerous benefits:

  • Reliability: Our products are tested rigorously to meet high standards of durability and performance.
  • Expert Support: Himax Electronics provides expert advice and support, helping you choose the right products and configurations for your needs.
  • Innovative Solutions: We offer the latest in battery technology and integration solutions, ensuring your systems are efficient and up-to-date.


Wiring two 12-volt batteries together, whether in parallel or series, is an effective way to enhance your energy system’s capacity or voltage. By following these detailed instructions and adhering to safety guidelines, you can ensure a successful setup. For all your battery needs, consider Himax Electronics, where quality meets innovation and customer satisfaction.

A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to understanding the lifespan of a 12-volt battery, several factors come into play. Whether it’s for your car, a recreational vehicle, or a solar panel system, knowing how long your battery will last can significantly impact your maintenance schedules and replacement costs. In this extensive guide, we will delve into what influences the lifespan of a 12-volt battery and how you can extend it, with a special emphasis on the advantages of choosing Himax Electronics for your battery needs.

Understanding the Lifespan of a 12-Volt Battery

The average lifespan of a 12-volt battery, particularly for automotive starter use, generally ranges between 3 to 5 years. However, this is a broad estimate and can vary greatly based on usage, maintenance, and environmental conditions. Here’s what you need to know:


Key Factors Affecting Battery Life

Type of Battery:

Lead-Acid Batteries: Traditional lead-acid batteries typically last between 3 to 5 years.

AGM Batteries: Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) batteries are known for their longer lifespan and durability, often lasting 4 to 6 years under optimal conditions.

Gel Batteries: Similar to AGM, gel batteries also offer extended lifespans due to their robust design and are less susceptible to leakage.

Usage Patterns:

Frequent Cycling: Batteries used in vehicles that start frequently or in solar power setups that cycle daily may have shorter lifespans due to the constant charge and discharge processes.

Depth of Discharge: The more a battery is depleted before recharging, the shorter its lifespan typically is. Keeping your battery charged above 50% can significantly extend its life.

Environmental Factors:

Temperature: Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can greatly affect battery life. High temperatures can cause battery fluid to evaporate, while cold temperatures can reduce the efficiency of the battery’s chemical reactions.

Vibration: Batteries that experience excessive vibration can suffer from physical damage and faster degradation.


Regular Cleaning: Keeping the battery terminals clean and free from corrosion can help maintain good electrical flow and extend battery life.

Proper Charging: Using a quality charger that correctly fits the battery’s specifications is crucial for maintaining good health and longevity.

Extending Your Battery’s Life

Maximizing the lifespan of your 12-volt battery involves several proactive steps:

Proper Storage: When not in use, store your battery in a cool, dry place and maintain a charge level of about 50% to 70%.

Regular Checks: Perform regular check-ups to monitor the health of your battery, looking for signs of wear or damage.

Smart Charging Practices: Utilize smart chargers that can adjust the charge rate based on the condition of the battery, helping to prevent overcharging and undercharging.

When to Replace Your Battery

Knowing when to replace your battery can save you from unexpected failures:

Age: If your battery is older than its expected lifespan, consider replacing it.

Performance Decline: If you notice slower cranking speeds or dimming lights, these can be indicators that your battery’s performance is declining.

Visual Inspection: Look for signs of swelling, leakage, or major corrosion.

Why Choose Himax Electronics?

Opting for Himax Electronics for your battery needs brings several advantages:

Quality and Durability: We offer some of the highest quality batteries on the market, designed to withstand various environmental conditions and usage patterns.

Advanced Technology: Our batteries are equipped with the latest technology to ensure efficiency and a longer lifespan.

Comprehensive Support: Our team provides expert advice and support, helping you make the most of your battery investment.


The lifespan of a 12-volt battery can vary widely based on many factors. Understanding these factors and implementing best practices in battery maintenance can significantly extend the life of your battery. With Himax Electronics, you gain a partner that not only supplies high-quality batteries but also supports you with expert knowledge and service to ensure your battery solutions are cost-effective and reliable. Visit our website or contact us today to learn more about how our products and services can help meet your energy needs.

Understanding the Lifespan of a 12-Volt Car Starter Battery

When it comes to maintaining your vehicle, understanding the lifespan and maintenance of your car’s battery is crucial. The average life of a 12-volt car starter battery varies but typically ranges from 3 to 5 years. However, several factors can influence this, from environmental conditions to usage patterns. In this article, we’ll dive deep into what affects the life of your car battery, how you can extend it, and the benefits of choosing Himax Electronics for your battery needs.


Factors Affecting the Life of a 12-Volt Car Starter Battery

The lifespan of a car starter battery is impacted by numerous factors:


Climate: Extreme temperatures can significantly shorten a battery’s life. Heat accelerates corrosion inside the battery, while cold can reduce its capacity to hold a charge.

Driving Habits: Short trips that don’t allow the battery to fully charge can shorten its life. Frequent starting and stopping put more strain on the battery than longer, consistent runs.

Vehicle Demands: Modern vehicles with advanced electronics, such as GPS, heated seats, and multimedia systems, draw significant power from the battery, even when the engine isn’t running.

Maintenance: Poor maintenance can lead to faster deterioration. A dirty or corroded battery can cause a drop in performance and lifespan.

Battery Quality: High-quality batteries, although sometimes more expensive, generally offer longer life and better performance.

How to Extend the Life of Your Battery

Extending the life of your battery not only saves money but also reduces the inconvenience of unexpected battery failures:


Regular Maintenance: Check your battery regularly for signs of wear or damage. Clean the terminals, tighten connections, and ensure that the battery is securely mounted to prevent vibration damage.

Keep It Charged: Maintain the battery charge by driving your car regularly. If you use your car infrequently, consider using a battery maintainer to keep the battery charged.

Manage Electrical Load: When your engine is off, try to minimize the use of car electronics that draw power from the battery.

Check the Charging System: Ensure your car’s charging system is functioning properly. Overcharging or undercharging can significantly affect your battery’s lifespan.

Temperature Control: Whenever possible, park your vehicle in a garage to protect the battery from extreme temperatures.

Testing Your Battery

It’s important to test your battery’s health regularly:


Voltage Check: Use a multimeter to check the voltage. A fully charged battery should read at least 12.6 volts.

Professional Load Test: Annually, have a professional perform a load test to assess the battery’s ability to hold charge under load.

Replacing Your Battery

Knowing when to replace your battery can prevent you from being stranded with a dead battery. Signs that you might need a new battery include slow engine crank, issues with electrical components, or an old battery (over 3 years).


Choosing Himax Electronics for Your Battery Needs

At Himax Electronics, we understand the importance of reliability and quality in automotive batteries. Our 12V LifePO4 Battery are designed to meet the highest standards of performance and durability. Here’s how choosing Himax Electronics benefits you:


Quality Assurance: Our batteries undergo rigorous testing to ensure they meet global quality standards.

Extended Lifespan: We provide batteries that not only meet but exceed typical lifespan expectations with proper care.

Exceptional Customer Service: Our team is committed to supporting our customers with expert advice and support throughout the life of your battery.


The average life of a 12-volt car starter battery can vary based on many factors, but with proper care and maintenance, you can extend its lifespan. By understanding the demands on your battery and following best practices for battery care, you can ensure reliable performance and longevity. Choose Himax Electronics for your next car battery to benefit from our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Visit our website to learn more about our products and how we can help keep your vehicle running smoothly.